twenty four

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[ a bunch of dysfunctional orphans™ ]

dickiebird: oh dear god

dickiebird: god no

timbo: ,, you good?


damiwayne: let me guess

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damiwayne: let me guess. that's todd's door, isn't it?

dickiebird: correct

dickiebird: it's an emergency but i don't know if i should go in or not

dickiebird: on one hand, it will mentally scar me

dickiebird: but on the other hand, i'm already pretty mentally scarred

dickiebird: (thanks to a certain someone)

brucewayne: @ me next time, coward

casscain: what's the emergency?

dickiebird: he's out of pop tarts

damiwayne: ffs

stephbrown: this again??

babsgordon: go buy your own goddamn pop tarts, trust fund baby

dickiebird: guys,, where's the support? :(

timbo: up my shit stained asshole

casscain: ,,

stephbrown: um

damiwayne left the chat

timbo: too far?

babsgordon: too far.

babsgordon added damiwayne

damiwayne: i hate you, drake.

timbo: that's fair.

dickiebird: what should i do??

casscain: isn't it obvious? GO HOME.

babsgordon: or to the store to buy some of your own

dickiebird: but pop tarts taste so much better when you're stealing them from your mentally unstable zombie brother

timbo: you haven't even considered the possibility that pickle boy is in there with him

stephbrown: ^^

dickiebird: you're right, timothy.

dickiebird: maybe i should just go home.

casscain: finally.

dickiebird: but i'm HUNGRY

casscain: oh my god

damiwayne: go to the store and buy your own pop tarts or i will shove my sword so far up your ass that your grandchildren will feel it, grayson

dickiebird: joke's on you, i like taking things up my ass!


dickiebird: and on a completely unrelated note, i am now on my way home

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dickiebird: and on a completely unrelated note, i am now on my way home.

stephbrown: what does he mean by that? is he off home because of the sword thing or because of the ass thing...?

babsgordon: i think it's best that we don't know, to be honest.

dickiebird: i'm going home for the pop tart thing, you filthy animals.

casscain: god, i hate you sometimes.

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