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Carmen's POV:
It's been a few days since the boys left and they haven't called me since the first night. I understood that they were busy but I was upset that it only took one day for them to break their promise.

I sighed dragging myself up and walking into my bathroom. I rubbed my fingers gently over my swollen eye, my bruised shoulder, then down to my torn skin.

My stomach growled and I rested my head in my hands. I hadn't left my room in over 24 hours. Maya had left early in the morning to who knows where so I decided to run downstairs to stock up on food.

I opened the fridge and grabbed a few water bottles then grabbed some snacks from the cabinet. I walked back upstairs and put it all on my bed before closing my door.

I locked it and slid the desk back in front of it before moving the food to a basket in the closet. My phone buzzed and I picked it up seeing Daniels number.

I answered and shortly after his face popped up along with Zach's. They smiled and I waved before saying, "Hey guys!"

"Hey Carmen." Zach smiled.

"How've you been?" Daniel asked quietly.

"I could be better. I miss you guys a lot but let's not talk about me it's not important." I said quickly trying to change the subject.

"Carmen stop." Zach replied.

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

Daniel stared confused into the camera before his expression turned to fear, "Carmen what happened to your eye?" He whispered as Zach added, "And your shoulder."

"Oh it's nothing." I whispered but they stared at me longing for the truth.

I took a deep breath and tears streamed from my eyes as I thought back to the other day.


I had just ended my call with the boys when Maya stormed in towering over me. I gulped and stared at her as she brought her fist up and punched my eye. I grasped it as she snarled, "I told you to stop talking to him."

I tried to run but she tackled me to the floor throwing me onto my shoulder. I gasped in pain before she heard the doorbell rang and ran to it.

I sighed watching through the crack in the door as she walked past with her ex boyfriend. They walked into her room, or should I say Daniels room. I lay on the floor crying for what felt like hours drowning out everything around me.

***Back to real time***

"You're not going to believe me." I choked back tears.

"Carmen we'll believe you." Zach whispered and I nodded beginning to tell the story.

As I told them I watched their faces change from sadness to angry to fear. I finished and wiped my eyes looking at them sadly.

"We're coming back as soon as we can." Daniel whispered.

I shook my head repeatedly, "Don't, stay on tour i'll be fine."

"Carmen she's abusing you we can't leave you like that!" Zach snarled.

"Who's abusing Carmen!?" I heard a worried voice from outside the cameras view.

"Maya is!" Zach exclaimed.

I cried louder as they talked but Daniel grabbed the phone walking out of the room. He attempted to calm me down and spoke quietly so Maya wouldn't hear.

I thanked him quietly and waited as he talked with Jack and Zach. He must've forgotten to mute it because I could hear everything they said.

"What should we do about Maya?" Daniel whispered  in attempt to hide the fear in his voice.

Missing Pieces || Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now