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"Carmen?" Someone whispered coming up beside me.

I turned slowly and saw Zach standing there awkwardly. I raised an eyebrow at him and looked around noticing that all the fans had left and the other boys were talking on the other side of the room.

"Oh sorry I zoned out." I replied laughing nervously.

"It's fine just wanted to make sure you were alright." He shrugged before walking away back towards the boys.

I waited for a minute or two looking around before I decided to head over to talk with the boys. As I started walking towards them my vision suddenly grew cloudy than flashed back to normal for a second causing me to stop.

My head throbbed in pain and I felt too weak to move. I didn't know whether to say something or just wait it out.

I looked up slightly trying to focus on something that was in front of me. I noticed that Daniel was standing the closest to me, "Dani..." I whispered.

Daniels POV:
I was talking with the boys about the show after all the fans had left the room. A few minutes later Zach joined the conversation and we continued talking until I heard a faint voice behind me.


I shot around suddenly before noticing Carmen standing there alone. She looked worried and suddenly grew extremely pale.

Quickly I stepped closer to her wrapping her arm around my neck and placing an arm behind her back. The boys looked over worried and I looked back over at Carmen.

"What happened? Do you think you can walk?" I whispered.

"I- I don't know." She replied softly.

Gently I lifted her into my arms making sure to walk slowly. Jack walked beside me feeling her forehead as we turned into the room next to the exit.

"Can you make a path for us to get to the bus?" Jonah asked one of the security members.

They nodded seeing the situation we were in and left to clear the fans back. Jack went out first, "Hey guys we're really sorry. We're gonna run into the bus for a few minutes but we'll be back!"

Corbyn and Jonah followed him while Zach stayed with me and Carmen for a minute. Zach went out right in front of us, "Just keep it quiet for a minute." He flashed a weak smile.

I held Carmen closer to my chest attempting to protect her from the cold of the night. Carefully I climbed onto the bus and set her down as the medic followed behind me.

The other boys went out into the crowd to take pictures with some fans. After a minute I joined them before we said we had to go and climbed back onto the bus.

Carmen's POV:
Daniel held onto my tightly as we walked through the crowd towards the bus. I felt weak in his arms and grew more worried about it.

He set me down on one of the couches and went to see his fans with the other boys. I looked up at the medic who asked, "What happened?"

I explained to her that I was walking towards the boys and my vision blurred. I described to her that I felt weak and I couldn't focus on any one thing.

She started checking my eyes, my blood pressure and a bunch of other things when the boys came back. They sat on the couch across from us and waited for the medic to turn around before talking.

"Is she alright?" Zach asked.

"She'll be fine. She should just take some medication and rest."

"Alright thank you." Jack replied as the medic left.

I lay on the couch as the boys stared at me for a moment. A tear rolled down my cheek as Daniel sat next to me.

"We can't let her sleep alone if she's like this." Daniel whispered.

Zach raised an eyebrow as Jack continued Daniels story, "She fell of her bunk yesterday."

"We can open the couch up into a bigger bed." Jonah replied.

Daniel nodded and picked me up carefully bringing me to the side. Corbyn and Jonah set up the couch into a bed while Jack turned to me.

"I'll grab you some sweatpants and a sweatshirt and set them on your bed." He said before walking away and I nodded softly.

"Your mom and sisters are coming to say goodbye so they could help you if you need it." Daniel shrugged.

Daniel carried me following behind Jack and set me down next to my clothes. I very carefully changed into them and started walking back towards the door.

I stumbled a little and grasped the door to keep myself from falling over. Opening it slowly I snuck my head through and spotted the boys at the door.

Very carefully I walked towards them using the counters for support as I made my way to them. Jack had just finished explaining what happened when they noticed me behind them.

"Carmen you should sit down." My mom replied with a saddened smile.

Daniel nodded wrapping a hand around my waist and pulling me towards the couch bed thing. I sat down resting my head against the wall and Ava came over to say goodbye.

I hugged her carefully, "I'll miss you. See you soon."

"I'll miss you too Carmen. Love you." She smiled.

Isla walked over and climbed up next to me. I pulled her into a hug and smiled, "I'll see you soon Isla. I love you."

"Bye Carmen. I love you too." She smiled and I kissed her forehead.

My mom walked over and hugged my for a while before pulling back, "Stay safe and have fun in LA. I love you."

"Bye mama, I love you too."

They left the bus after saying goodbye to Jack and the other boys. Daniel came and sat next to me again looking at the other boys.

"I'll stay with Carmen. We should get some sleep." Daniel whispered. The boys besides Jack nodded and said their good nights before heading to the bunk area.

Jack walked over and kissed my forehead before leaving to go sleep. I laid down carefully next to Daniel facing him.

He moved closer to me and I placed my head on his shoulder using him for warmth.

A/N: Will Carmen be okay? What even happened? Alright stay tuned love y'all!

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