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Carmen's POV:
The rest of the day went by in a blur. I cuddled with Zach, jammed out to music, and went live with the boys.

I was scrolling through Twitter in my bunk, when I started noticing a bunch of hate pages for me. In an attempt to brush it off I failed miserably.

I sighed before carefully climbing down from my bunk and walking into the main area. I grabbed my journal and sat down on the couch opening to the newest clean page.

I wrote about the spells I was having and how they were affecting my life. How I disrupted the boys time on tour with it.

It made them worry, but no one should worry about me. I don't deserve that kind of support.

I wrote about the words Maya would say and what she would do to me. I wrote about how much I deserved it and how I shouldn't have ran away.

I wrote about Liam and how he played me to get my best friend. I wrote about our relationship crumbling in seconds.

I paused for a minute before wiping my eyes and looking back down at the page. Without thinking I started writing goodbye messages to each of the boys.

Jonah, I'll miss our morning coffee dates while looking out the bus window and our causal harry potter talk. I'll miss going live with you on Instagram and talking to all the fans. I'll miss having you there to make me smile.
I'll miss you JoJo, Carmen.

Corbyn, Im going to miss how you could just randomly list facts about the universe.   How you always knew how to make someone laugh no stop for hours. I'll miss you insane dance moves and how we'd sit and people watch.
I'll miss you corn bean, Carmen.

Daniel, I can't believe i'm writing this right now. I'll miss all our movie nights and cuddling. Our little conversations about anything. How you'd always be there for me. I'll miss you're smile being able to brighten my day instantly. Please take care of Jack for me and keep an eye on Zach.
I love you and i'll miss you Dani, Carmen.

Zach, I don't know what to say. Our relationship has been a mess ever since I came out here. I don't know what we were or what we were going to be but I'll miss it. You know what to say to make me melt. Zachary Dean, I'll miss you.
Love ya, Carmen.

Jack, where do I even start. We've been so close since we were just little kids. I watched you grow into music just as you watched me grow as a dancer. You've been there to support me my whole life. I freaking moved out to LA with you. I'm going to miss you so much but please stay strong for me.
I love you to the moon and back, Carmen.

I took a deep breath before closing my notebook quickly and looking up. I was shocked when my eyes meet Zach's.

"Sorry I couldn't sleep." He whispered.

"Me either." I sighed before clutching my journal closer to me.

"Are you okay? You were crying while writing." He said whispering sadly.

"I'm fine." I said before sneaking back into the bunk room and hiding my journal in my suitcase.

He walked in behind me and I turned around attempting to contain myself. I took a deep breath and tried looking away.

He lifted my chin so gently making me look into his eyes. I just broke, I completely broke down into his arms.

I felt so safe as he held me closer to him. Sadly I looked up and whispered, "Go to sleep, you're seeing your family tomorrow."

"You are too, get some sleep."

Without explaining I just shook my head and said, "I'm not seeing them..."

He looked at me concerned but I pointed to his bunk and he started climbing up sadly.

I waited until he fell asleep before grabbing my suitcase and rolling it into the main area. I pulled out the pages in the journal I'd written the notes on before placing them on the counter.

I took my phone and a charger throwing them in a string bag I had. I grabbed a water bottle throwing it in also. I left my suitcase and looked to see that we were parked at a bus stop.

I opened the door slowly and escaped into the open. With no idea of where to go next I wandered the streets of Texas alone in the dark.

Daniels POV:
I woke up first carefully climbing out of my bunk before noticing Carmen wasn't in hers.

I thought maybe she was already awake just on one of the couches so I walked out into the main area. When I didn't see her I decided to wait a minute.

I started looking everywhere I could think seeing as though we were moving so she couldn't have left.

Walking back to the bunk area I began to panic, I was throwing things around looking for her.

"What are you looking for?" Zach whispered tiredly.

"Carmen's not here." I said panicking.

"Calm down Daniel maybe we're stopped somewhere and she went to look at something." He shrugged.

"We aren't stopped Zach." I said sadly.

His face dropped and he climbed down to help me look. I continued looking in the bunk area while he went out front.

He burst through the door seconds later holding a piece of paper in his shaky hands.

"Dan-daniel. Wake up the boys..." He stuttered.

I didn't ask questions but helped him shake the boys awake quietly. We walked out to the main area behind Zach and spotted a pile of notes.

I stepped up to them closer and grabbed the one addressed to me. I couldn't believe that this was real. I read it over and over again growing more and more concerned each time.

I looked up seeing all the boys with the same reaction.

"What are we going to do?" I paused, "We have a show tonight.

"We can't cancel it." Jonah sighed.

"She wouldn't want us too." Zach said throw tears.

Jack just stood there silent for a minute before bursting out, "I was supposed to protect her! I failed at my one job as a brother."

"Jack we'll get her back I promise." I whispered.

"For all we know she could be dead Daniel." He said through clenched teeth.

"I'll call management, Corbyn you call the Texas police." Jonah sighed.

Zach looked at the ground sadly and I took a step closer as he said, "I saw her writing last night."

Jack looked up toward us as Zach continued, "I talked to her but I didn't expect this."

Jonah walked back into the room, "The shows still on. We can't let the fans know about this. They said they'll try to look out for her."

I sighed, "We have to head to sound check boys."

Jack folded the piece of paper in his hand and slipped it into his pocket. I did the same before patting his back and walking off the bus.


Stay tuned to find out🙃🙂

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