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I waved goodbye as Ashlynn and Maddie boarded their plane back to Boston. The separation was much less sad knowing i'd see them in a few short days.

With that I left and climbed into Jacks car before driving back to the house. I pulled out my suitcases and a few boxes to pack my things.

When I was about half way through my phone buzzed. Picking it up slowly I saw that Jack was trying to FaceTime me so I accepted.

I placed my phone against my bed post and continued packing as he said, "Hey Carmen!"

"Hi Jack!"

"When do the girls fly in again?" He asked.

"Two days." I shrugged before closing my second suitcase.

"That's when we come back too."

"Cool!" I smiled.

"Also us boys are going to help you all decorate your rooms so don't try." He laughed.

"Okay?" I replied laughing with him.

"I'll see you in two days!" He smiled before hanging up.

I finished packing all my stuff and moving it out to the car. With one last sweep through the house to make sure I had everything I closed the front door before locking it and climbing into Jacks car.

As I arrived at the apartment the manager rolled out a cart I could bring my stuff up on. It only took one trip to the room and back to bring it all.

With that I quickly drove back the the boys house and walked to the apartment. I unpacked my clothes hanging them in the closet before lying back on the bare mattress.

*time skip ~ next day Mira shows up*

My phone buzzed and I picked it up slowly seeing that Mira had texted me, 'I'm pulling up now.'

I grabbed the apartment key and took the elevator down to the lobby. After a few minutes of helping her kid her things into the cart we made our way up to the room.

"You can unpack I'll be in my room if you
need me." I smiled before heading to my room.

With all this open space I got an idea, I pulled out my phone and hooked it up to the speakers. Then I walked over to my closet and pull out the camera I had placed inside.

I set it up the the window and hit record before moving to my phone and hitting shuffle.

(I don't own the credits to this so look at the video description on youtube if you're looking for them.)

As I finished I paused the song and turned the camera off. I brought it with me to Mira's room, "I did some improv for youtube. I think we should all do a little thing in our rooms for now to introduce ourselves."

"That's a good idea can I borrow your camera? Mines charging."

"Of course." I smiled handing it to her.

*time skip~next day*

I grabbed my phone and sprinted to the lobby with Mira not far behind. It was later in the day so Ashlynn and Maddie had arrived out front.

We both helped them bring their things to the room and offered to help unpack. Throughout our time unpacking we talked about the youtube channel.

My phone buzzed like crazy so I picked up seeing a bunch of texts the the group chat I had with the boys.

Missing Pieces || Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now