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Carmen's POV: *(time skip)

I walked to my room and grabbed my suitcase handle along with my carry-on bag. Wiping the tears from my eyes I slowly left my room and headed over to the girls.

"I'm going to miss you girls so much." I whispered trying not to break down.

"We're going to miss you too." Mira sighed, "Don't worry we'll be sure to keep you updated."

"It'll be alright I promise." Maddie smiled, "I'll miss you."

"Carmen it's going to be okay!" Ashlynn smiled before pulling me into a hug, "I love you and don't you worry, we'll always be here for you. Oh and I'll keep the house clean." She winked.

"Oh my goodness. I love you so much." I smiled and wiped the tears from my eyes.

The doorbell rang and I walked over before opening it and letting Jack in. He hugged Ashlynn before turning back to me and flashing a weak smile.

I grabbed my bag from the floor and gave the girls one last hug before heading out the door.

Jack grabbed hold of my suitcase and brought it out to the car. I climbed into the passenger side door and sighed laying back in the seat.

He drove over to the boy's house where Zach was waiting and climbed in. Climbing out carefully I walked over to the house and pulled Jonah into a hug.

"We'll see you in a few months." He smiled hugging me back, "Stay safe."

"See you soon." I smiled softly before turning to Corbyn and Christina.

"Goodbye beautiful." Christina whispered before hugging me, "I loved meeting you."

"Thank you." I hugged her back smiling softly.

"Have a safe flight, see you soon." Corbyn smiled sadly before I hugged him.

The three of them headed back into the house while I turned to Daniel. I broke and jumped into his arms pulling him into a hug. He rocked me slowly back and forth while rubbing my back.

"I'll miss you." I sighed.

"I'll miss you too." He sighed back, "But I'll see you soon."

"Don't forget about me." I joked, "Take care of Maddie."

"I would never." He smiled, "She's in great hands."

With that I smiled sadly wiping my tears and headed back to the car climbing in the back next to Zach. I interlaced my fingers with his and rested my head on his shoulder.

He rubbed his thumb along the back of my hand and I turned to him before pecking him on the lips. We pulled up to the airport and I turned to Zach whispering, "It's so hard to say goodbye..."

"Then don't say goodbye." He smiled sadly, "I'll see you soon beautiful."

"See you soon." I repeated his words before kissing his cheek and climbing carefully out of the car. He helped me grab my suitcase out of the trunk and as I want to turn around he grabbed my waist and pulled me towards him.

"Stay safe my love." He smiled before kissing me softly.

He climbed back into the car and I turned to Jack awkwardly as he whispered, "It's for the best. I love you."

"Love you too..." I whispered before hugging him and walking into the airport alone.

After getting through security I walked around looking for my gate. As I approached my gate and sat down a group of girls suddenly crowded near me with their phones out and recording.

At first I waved awkwardly before slowly approaching them for pictures. I hugged a few people and took pictures with others before turning around.

As I hugged another girl she whispered into my ear, "Stay away from my man."

I rolled my eyes slightly and laughed it off until she spoke up louder, "You're such a slut. Zach's mine so you can back off hunny."

I thought to myself for a minute before eventually closing my mouth and ignoring her. I turned to another girl who had the video on her phone, "Please don't post that anywhere." I sighed, "But can you dm it to me."

She nodded and sent the video to me before deleting it from her phone. I thanked her and walked back over to my stuff before sitting down.

I pulled up the video and saved it to my phone while plugging in my headphones. Sighing I texted Daniel not wanting to worry Jack or Zach with it.

Text Conversation

Carmen: Can I tell you something?

Daniel: Of course. What's wrong?

Carmen: I bumped into some fans at the airport.

Daniel: What happened?

Carmen: *Video* I recognize her from somewhere.

"Gate 27 now boarding." I heard over the speakers.

I stood up slowly and slipped my phone into my pocket before grabbing my things and boarding the plane. I pulled my phone out and turned on my music before getting distracted in the songs.

Daniel's POV:

I re-watched the video over and over again before pacing in my room.

"Hey Daniel-" Jack started, "Are you okay?"

"Oh hi Jack. Yeah I'm fine just thinking." I lied before sitting down, "What's up?"

"Just wanted to see if you wanted to come to the movies with us."

"I'm good thanks for asking though." I smiled before he left my room.

I sent her a text that read, "That's Bella. She's Zach's ex that he was still madly in love with until he meet you. I wouldn't worry about her thought because I know for a fact that Zach loves you."

With that I shut my phone off and headed down the stairs to grab my guitar.

A/N: This chapter is a little bit shorter!! I'm sorry but just to update you, this story is almost over


Don't worry though! There will be a second book... I haven't decided on a name yet but here are some options.


Second Chances.

Losing myself.

My escape.

Finding happiness.

Depends on which direction i'll take the story. All would have the same big event but would go in different directions.

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