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Zach's POV:

I dreaded the waiting. To have to sit back not knowing what could be happening or what it could lead to destroys me.

The image won't leave my mind, seeing her laying there weak and alone broke my heart in millions of pieces. She'd heard what I said to her while she was asleep.

Maybe she doesn't feel the same way.

Pictures started surfacing of the boys and I at the hospital with rumors going around. Daniel turned to me with a regretful look in his eyes before whispering, "It's not your fault."

"Sure seems like it." I muttered under my breath.

"Zach I promise it wasn't. She was-" He started.

"Just tell me the story..." I whispered.

He nodded and sighed before turning to face me, "I walked in on her looking out the window sadly. It was just after you left and I heard her whisper, 'Idiot.' At first I thought she was calling you an idiot but she told me that she was the idiot."

I closed my eyes and looked up slightly before opening them and blinking away tears. Playing around with my rings just as Carmen once did I continued to listen.

"Then later on..." He whispered, "I saw her grabbing some medication. I asked what it was for and she said she didn't feel well. I.. i-" He paused.

Taking a deep breath I looked up at him. His voice cracked and a tear rolled down his cheek as he finished his story, "I'm the idiot. I could've prevented this..."

Sadly I glanced up at him and pulled him into a hug, "It will be okay. I promise."

"Carmen Avery."

My head shot around to face the young woman. They boys and I all glanced over at Jack who stood.

"I'm her brother." He said stepping forward.

"She's going to wake up in a few hours but you may see her one at a time. Room 237." She smiled.

Letting out the deep breath I didn't know I was holding I whispered, "Jack you go first."

The boys agreed and I sat back in the seat waiting anxiously to see her beautiful face again.

Jacks POV:

As I stepped into the elevator my heart immediately sunk into my chest. When I told her the decision mom and I made she was going to be crushed.

The doors opened and I stepped carefully out onto the floor before walking silently down the hallway. Pushing the door open I looked up at her lifeless looking body.

She looked at ease and peaceful laying there as I approached her. I sat beside her and placed my hand on top of hers.

Sighing I spoke, "You're going to hate me for this..."

I looked at her and quickly glanced back down at our hands, "It's for your own good. I hate saying this because it sounds like your just a child but someone needs to watch over you. Someone who isn't the girls. Not that I don't love them it's just a different kind of friendship.

Gently standing up I sighed and walked back towards the elevator to send another boy up.

Corbyn's POV:

As I stepped into Carmen's room I pulled up Christina on FaceTime. They wanted to meet so badly in person so it was the best I could do at this point.

We talked to her even though she couldn't hear. Christina mentioned how beautiful and selfless she was making me smile.

Jonah's POV:

Corbyn came back down from Carmen's room and signaled for me to head up. As I opened the door and walked up to her I sighed before sitting down.

She was such a sweet girl and could make you laugh no matter what. To see that side of her and than this one truly got to me.

I didn't say anything besides a short burst of words, "Please know that you are worth it..."

Daniel's POV:

Walking out of the elevator I took a deep breath and continued down the hallway. I reached her door and slowly pushed it open immediately feeling a change in the atmosphere.

At this point I still hadn't looked at her yet continued over to her and sat down. It broke me knowing that I could've prevented this if only I weren't so stupid.

Brushing her hair behind her ear I smiled before grabbing hold off her hand and saying, "I love you best friend."

I laughed quietly at my last words and whispered again, "Please don't do this to yourself. We all need you..."

While I was about to stand up and leave I felt her hand twitch. A smile grew on my face as I headed back to the elevator.

Zach's POV:

I gulped as the elevator doors opened allowing me to step out. As I approached her door I stopped myself and took a deep breath.

After mentally preparing myself I took a few steps into her room and closed the door behind me. I walked over next to her and intertwined my fingers with hers before kissing her forehead and sitting down.

"I'm so sorry about earlier. If I'd known you were awake I wouldn't have said any of it. I-" I started before feeling her fingers wrap around mine.

Glancing up I saw her laying with a smile on her face as her eyes fluttered open. I went to stand to hit the button to call the nurse back but she pulled back on my hand, "Wait a few minutes." She sighed, "I'm sick of doctors."

I sat back down and smiled back at her before glancing over towards the door. She snapped me out of my trance by whispering, "I love you...'

I looked at her smiling brighter and whispered, "I love you more..."

She sat up carefully and pecked me on the lips before I pulled back smiling and texted Jack to come back up.

Carmen's POV:

I held Zach's hand in mine waiting for Jack to come back up. He walked into the room and hit the button to signal the nurse before walking over and standing next to me.

The nurse ran a few quick tests before smiling and saying, "You'll be able to leave tomorrow afternoon."

I smiled back and replied, "Alright thank you."

Jack turned to me sadly, "I have to admit something to you."

"Huh?" I muttered.

"You're going back to Pennsylvania..." He whispered sadly.

"I-I..." I started before staring off into the distance sadly.

"We'll talk more tomorrow..." He sighed.

I nodded and turned to Zach, "Who's staying with me tonight?"

"You can." Jack smiled at Zach.

Zach grinned as Jack left the room and turned to me, "Get some sleep beautiful..." I leaned down and kissed her softly before standing and turning off the lights.

A/N: idk what to say so thanks for 350 reads!!

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