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Zach's POV:

Jack left the room to talk to Carmen in private and I sat down with the other boys in silence. After a few moments Daniel turned to me, "Who do you think Liam is to her?"

"I don't want to think about it." I said honestly.

"What if they aren't dating though? Maybe they're just friends." He shrugged.

"Daniel look at this." I replied showing him my phone.

It was a post from Liam of Carmen sitting in a window with the caption, 'So glad to call this beauty mine!'

He looked at me sadly and ran his hand through his hair. I rolled my eyes, "I can't get anything I like can I?"

"Zach st-"

"No Daniel. Don't even try." I spat before walking away.

As I left the room I passed by Jack who'd just hung up with Carmen. I attempted to continue walking past him but he grabbed my arm pulling me back.

I spun around to face him, "What Jack?" I said angrily.

"What's wrong?"

"Is Carmen dating Liam?"


"That's my point."

"Zach please."

"Jack don't start." I rolled my eyes and attempted to walk away again.

"He makes her happy Zach." He sighed.

"I know." I sighed, "I guess I should stop."

"I understand where you're coming from though." He laughed nervously.

"Yeah." I replied quietly.


Carmen's POV:

"Liam put me downnn!" I whined.


"Liam please!" I laughed.

"Not until you say it."

He tackled me to the ground and I managed to get out of his grip and push him back. I laughed and jumped on his back kissing him on the cheek.

He pulled me so I was in front of him and I wrapped my legs around his waist and rested my head on his shoulder.

I smiled into his neck and he held me tighter to him laughing quietly. He walked down the stairs with me on his hip and sat me on the couch. I pulled him down next to me and turned on a movie.

I snuggled closer into him and slowly fell asleep on his chest.

*Time Skip (Leaving for tour)*

I grabbed my bags out of Liam's trunk and placed them on the ground looking back up at him sadly.

"I'll miss you baby." He smiled sadly pulling me into a hug.

I looked up at him and wrapped my arms around his neck, "I'll miss you more."

He leaned down slowly and kissed me before pulling back with a smile and picking up my bags. He handed them to me and kissed my forehead before I walked away towards my plane gate.

I was sitting with my headphones plugged in, waiting to board the plane. A group of girls sitting across from me squealed causing me to look up.

"Carmen!" One exclaimed.

I laughed quietly, "Hi girls! I assume you're fans of the boys?"

"No." Another laughed.

"What she means is we found the boys through you! We love your dancing videos." The third one replied.

Missing Pieces || Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now