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Carmen's POV:

47 unread messages.

25 missed calls.

13 voice mails.

I've been keeping up with the boys social medias seeing as though they keep indirectly tweeting towards me. After tonight's show they fly out to California where I was supposed to meet them.

A new call popped up on my screen from Daniel, without thinking I gave in and answered. I flipped the camera so it faced away from me as it connected.

"Carmen?" Daniel whispered.

I stayed silent, worried about what would happen next. I took a deep breath and tried to hold back tears.

"Carmen, if that's you behind the camera. The boys and I have been worried sick about you. We really need you to come back to LA with us. We're here for you Carmen I promise." He sighed.

I flipped the camera before whispering, "I miss you.."

"Where are you we'll come pick you up?" He whispered trying not to let the boys know.

"I'll text you my address." I paused, "I'm sorry."

"Carmen don't beat yourself up over it." He flashed a weak smile, "It will be okay."

"Daniel I freaking ran off in the middle of the night in Texas! How is that okay!?" I yelled.

"Daniel who are you talking to?" I heard from near Daniel's phone.

"It's no one-" He started.

"Carmen." I sighed.

Instantly Jack's face showed up next to Daniel's in shock as I sighed again, "I'm sorry for leaving. I'm sorry for worrying you. I'm sorry for coming to LA. I'm sorry for being alive..." I paused looking down, "I..i'm sorry." I whispered as tears ran down my cheek.

"Carmen, it's okay. We'll talk later for now stay where you are until someone comes to pick you up." He smiled sadly.

I nodded and sat on the phone with them in silence until a car pulled up beside me. Slowly I climbed in and hung up with Daniel dreading the moment we arrived at the concert hall.

The show had already started by the time I arrived so I waited back stage fidgeting with my hands until I was suddenly lifted into someones arms.

Jack wrapped his arms around my back and pulled me closer, "You have no idea how much I missed you."

I hugged him back before pulling away and looking down at my feet in disappointment.

"I have just one question." Daniel sighed.

"Hmm?" I mumbled.

"Why'd you leave?"

"Hold on." I stated quickly walking towards my bag and opening it.

I pulled out my journal and opened it to the newest page once again, Daniel sat besides me watching as I scribbled my thoughts on paper:

(This is an actually poem I had to write for class so yeah it's mine and like don't judge okeeeeey?)

Forced Smiles

In the darkness of each night,
on days much similar to today,
I sat abandoned,

Shutting away from the world,
I stared into the emptiness,
regret slowly creeped into my mind,

My vision grew more and more blurred,
my heart raced with agony,
my mind ruptured into a pile of ashes,

Missing Pieces || Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now