Music Partner

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A AU Where Puppet and Ballora are music partners, but guess what? They are 11-12 years old in that AU!! Wohooo!!!  btw imagine their animatronic form as human kids form. And Puppet doesn't wear a mask, but he have a mask pin at his hair. Without further ado, lets get started!

                                                ~ Music Partner l Ballora x Puppet AU ~

     ~      3rd's pov         ~

Puppet walk to school with his black and white backpack, that have a puppet of himself. He've always walk alone to school. He never had friends because he was the "quiet and music type" of boy.

Yet in other ways, he don't care. He never did. He was bullied since kindergarten and that made him not care anymore.

He walk to his locker, putting his backpack when he heard some giggling, and screaming from behind him. He look behind to see a purple-blue majestic hair girl, with galaxy blue eyes.

She was surrounded by many kids, that love her, and wanted her for her rich desires.

And that girl was very well known. Her name was Ballora. She was a popular child in a rich family. Everyone adored and loved her, but they just simply used her just because she was rich.

Though she didn't care either. Because of this, she stop caring along with Puppet.

She look at his soulless  eyes, as Puppet look at her galaxy blue eyes. They both look away, and went their ways to their classes.

At Music Class, the class that they both adored so well, there teacher called the students "Okay pupils! Today,  we will be having music partners, and why? We all will practice dancing today! And this will be your project too. Which partners that have the gracefulling dance will be rewarded to dance on your graduation day too."

They all cheered and the teacher called out most of the partners. Many boys wanted to be with Ballora, but she did not. 

The teacher then said "Ballora Ballet and Marionette Puppet". The kids in class gasp, starting to whisper.

This wasn't a surprise to both of Ballora and Puppet. In secret, they are actually best friends.

They just never really show it.

The teacher then said "Let's start! We all don't have all day, begin to plan."

Ballora and Puppet look at eachother and they went to the corner of the room, planning. Want to hear their conversation my dear readers? Let's hear it then!

       ~  Ballora and Puppet's Conversation  ~ 

( B > Ballora P> Puppet )

B: What now? People are going to ask on why we won't make a big deal.

P: Well i'd say we just keep it a secret, and also we should work on the project too. What dance do you want?

B: Well, i'd like to do ballet and some slow dancing.

P: Wait, i got it! You do ballet in the very start of the dance, and then it'll turn to slow dancing. Do you like the plan?

B: Thats a wonderful idea, Mari! Let's start, picking a music shall we?

P: Mhhm.

  ~ Some minutes before Home Time ~

P: I found one! Here, try it.

B: That is such a wonderful tune, how about the slow dancing?

P: Hmm, good idea. I'll find a tune, and after we can practice. 

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