Popular Kid Bonnie x Nerd High Schooler Reader

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Y/N's Pov

As i slowly go to school with my F/C Glasses on, I then bump to him.

Bonnie Bunny, The one and only Popular Kid on Animatronic High. I was transfer to this school for me to learn about robotics and technology since i was the only smart child in the family.

I then shook my head down and said "Sorry.." He then smiled and said "No need to! Now you need to head to class." I nod and then went to class.

Bonnie was a Sophomore and i was too, He is older than me so i was very polite to him. The other girls would go crazy over him except for my best friend Chica, She had a crush on Foxy, Bonnie's Best Friend which is reasonable.

I went to class and then saw Chica waving at me with her Black glasses and she said "How are you?" I replied "I'm fine, i bump to Bonnie, though." She squeals quietly and said seriously "Did he tease you?" I replied "Not really." She smiled and our Teacher comes in class. 

We payed attention and after class, we went to the our locker just to be splashed water at us by ChiChi (Toy Chica)        And Mimi (Mangle)  I sigh and then said "Hello." ChiChi and Mimi were our friends too, they just like pranking us because we were nerds. Mimi said 'Hi!" Chichi said "Hey!". We then walk to the caferteria and then sit down and ate till i saw Bonnie Bunny, Foxy Fox, and Freddy Bear, Goldie Bear coming in to their table. The other girls sigh and just starts daydreaming while i shrug it off. Almost all of them except Mimi have a crush on Foxy (Sorry for the Fangle Fans, but Goldie x Mangle was a random thing, but eh.)

I look at my girls and just ate my food, after i put the tray to where the tray deposer is and i went to my lockers, parting separate ways from my girls just to see Bonnie next to my locker.

As i casually walk to my locker and grab my stuff to go home, Bonnie look at me and gave me a paper note saying "Heres my number, We gotta get to know often ya know? I mean we are kinda classmates on Music, Gym, and Art Class." I grab the note not hesitating and nod saying "Sure."

I grab my backpack and then waved goodbye to him and the girls and i went to my bike and ride back home.

~Days Later~

As i go to my locker, i was then greeted by a familiar voice: "Hey Y/N!" It was Bonnie Bunny, Me and him are kinda best friends rn, and also people give us weird looks but hey, i ain't complaining, For some reason though he blushes when i talk about crushes and love..

But i shrug it of, maybe those words probally embarrassed him, i understand. "Hey Bons!" Thats his N/N i gave to him for short. "How are ya?" He asked, and i replied "I'm doing fine."

We then talk as we walk to Music Class, it was Friday and it was the last period of class. The mean girls look at us communicating and before the teacher comes in, Bonnie then got a phone call and he said "Let me answer it, kay?" I nod.

As i listen to music, my earphones go taken of by the mean girl "Go away Nerdy! He probally hang out with you, because your smart!" I sigh and then got my earphones back and listen as Bonnie comes back, investigating of what the hell happen.

As we listen to the Music Teacher, finally the class ended and we went to our lockers and i got stop by Bonnie.

Bonnie's Pov (ey didn't expect this, did ya'll?)

I approach Y/N and asked "Hey Y/N, I have a sleepover tomorrow at my house, wanna come? Your friends are going too." She look to me and said "Oh Sure! I'll come." I smiled and gave her my address and grab my backpack and we part ways.

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