i have no title names.

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my friend made me put that picture. i had no choice.

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oh. heya buckos. welcome to our fiction. I looked to somewhere - a certain bush where the readers are - as the three girls behind me are talking. yeah. i know i'm breaking the 4th wall. but doesn't ricci breaks it too?

The girls laughed behind me as i turned my attention to them. i wouldn't like them to find out that i'm breaking 4th walls. So far, so good. It's been good tibia honest. Y/N's friends are great. They're fun and cool to be with. Especially ricci. I'm gonna honestly fall for her if she wasn't shipping me and Y/N. yeh. the girl ship us two. dunno why.

I might as well say what i think of the girls. Maureen is a cute little sister. A cinnamon roll like Papy. Except she's older than the two of them which is understandable. She has that vibe of being happy and trying to do whats' best for her friends. I get that. Ricci on the other hand.. is the opposite. It seems she likes teasing those two. Y/N the most. She also seem like the funny type, a comedian and also how she refers to herself as a 'Memester'. Nice nickname. She seems to really love that nickname. Though from what i heard from Y/N, back in their high school years, she was a shy introvert girl. Cute. She's younger than most of them but is taller than them? Just like Papy..

My eyes darkened when i remembered Papyrus. My dear brother. I clenched my fists tightly. Those darn little- "Sans?" I looked up to see Y/N's face in front of me. O-oh shit. "Uh yeah?" "Are you okay? We are going to the Amusement Park now." "O-oh. Right. I'm fine, bucko. See?" I spread my arms to prove my point as i gave a nervous grin. She seem to have bought it. Good.

As we started walking, i then realized. We are walking. I turned to the girls as i then said. "Heya-uh.. is it okay if we took a car? Don't feel like walkin', y'know." Y/N nodded to me as i grinned and started to use my 'short cut.' "Hold-on."

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We all arrived at the Amusement Park. Now you may be thinking on to why we are at a Amusement Park. Y'see Y/N accidentally told the girls that we were going to meet up to hang out together as a big group, but she did't planned anything yet, so instead we decided to go for an Amusement Park, since Maureen has never been to one before as she said.

As we walked inside, i pulled out the dollars and started to pay for our tickets as we were probably in Wonderland. Great. Last i brought Papy here, it was his birthday... My throat tightened as i remembered the memories.. Oh paps..

"So where do we start first?" I looked up to see Ricci looking around in excitement. Must'a new to these type of amusement parks. "How about we partner?" Maureen suggested as Y/N nodded to that suggestion. I shrugged. "Whateva ya lads' like." Y/N turned over to me with a look. "Pirate move are ya now, captain?" "Oh i will walk ya by the plank, matey." We looked at eachother before Ricci then coughed and declared.

"Sans & Y/N." "Me and Maureen." ..So cool. As we went to our partners, Ricci then said. "Meet here before 5 to watch the fireworks?" "Cool." "Yep." "Yes!"

And then we left. Of to our own rides.

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Me and Y/N were on our last ride that we decided. The Roller Coaster. I could hear Ricci saying 'DUN DUN DUNNNNN' in my head right now. Shaking my head, i held his hand, which made her jerk and look down to our hands. I grinned as she was probz surprised and smiled back. That toothy smile, just like Paps-

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