What if?

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Universe: The usual one with a twist.
Fandom: Boku No Hero Academia 
p,s: this is more like something that my friend said to me like a what if scenario and i added more complex.
p.s: also give @ImHeereForYou  love and support. she best sis even though she was the reason on to why this chapter existed. <3
p.s: this is also a three-parter coz three ships, amirite? ;3

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What if as soon as All Might said that Deku could never be a hero or he won't be able to be a hero, Deku really did believed it?

What if, because of All Might's words, Deku never did became the greatest hero existed?

Well this oneshot. Is what if, he never did became the greatest hero but the one who tried his best to be with them? 

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"A quirkless could never be a hero." Pang! Deku felt something shatter inside of him.  He rubbed his eyes as he looked up to the towering skinny hero. Did his idol, his idol ever since he was young, just said that? He looked up with trembling eyes as his hero kept a stoned face.

The greenette stared in belief. "If you want to help, i would recommend taking a job as a police officer. It's more safer that way." And thus the All Mighty hero left, leaving one of his greatest fans in depth of sadness and despair.

The young boy dropped to the floor as he held the ground. Tears slowly stained his freckled cheeks as he tries his best not to cry. Wiping those soft tears away, he stood up and ran inside the exit stair, running out of the building. Running away from the truth that he's been trying to run away for so long. Running back to his home. To the arms of his beautiful, precious, loving mother.

Before he broke and cried in her arms.

It took him a while to calm down. At this point, crying should have been his quirk. He flinched at the word of it. Feeling the urge to cry, he shove his thoughts done as he drank water and looked up to his mother looking at him before hugging him tightly.

"I-i'm so sorry.. Izuku.." Another crack. The same thing that her mother told him when he was younger. Except, this time, he was going to move on. If All Might says that a quirkless cannot be a he- Another crack. 

He couldn't take the tears and the pain as he hugged his mother once more as he cried once more. This routine happened for 2 weeks. He cried and cried and cried. He stayed inside his room for 2 weeks and didn't even went to watch heroes nor watch the TV. He spent those weeks trying to stop himself from crying but he still cried.

Around the 3rd week, he came out. He looked like a puppy that drenched in water. Her mother looked at her son with those green caring warm eyes as he returned the same stare. He mumbled out, his voice broken and hoarse from crying too much. "I'm.. okay.."

She hugged him, running her hand through his more messy hair as she sighed softly. "I know, Izu.. I know.."

After that, he went to eat something which made him lighten up when he saw his favorite food on the table. Just cooked and made and prepared just for him as the two greenettes talked to each other about their memories. Not bringing up any hero or quirk stuff as her mother then found out that those words were very sensitive to him.

After another few weeks of preparing himself and being normal, he then turned to his mother with a determined expression on his face. "Mom..? I.. want to go UA." Her mother turned to him with a shock look. Dropping the plate she was washing which made Deku grab a broom and sweep it away to avoid getting their feet bleeding by it.

Sitting her down at the couch, he stared at her as she tried to progress. "Y-You want to got U-UA?" "Yes.." "B-but.. the-" "I know, Mr. All Might-" Crack. "is a teacher there, but who cares? I can't just stay in the house all the time and try to collect myself when i already did. I want to learn. Please." "I.." 

Deku stared up to her mother with those begging yet hesitant eyes. She knew that he was hesitating to do this and she was going to call him out on it before remembering that her Izuku never gives up. Mentally smiling to herself, she sighed and looked at her adorable son.

"Of course." And his face brightened and all his colors came back. And that was all Inko ever wanted from his son. To be happy.

After calling Bakugo's mother and calling UA about the news, she was coming with Deku to school, to be there for him but also to sign the contract. Apparently the past few weeks, the hero course section, 1-A - which is the section that Deku will be in soon - were having trouble with Villains so all students of UA must have their parents to sign a contract that allows their children to join in the Dormitories.

She could have went on her own but she doesn't want to leave Deku alone, especially Autophobia, Fear of Isolation, started to act up ever since the Incident.

Shaking her head, she waits patiently for the Principal, Nezu, to come around and give the papers for her to sign with the dormitory and permission. It was going to be hard for her to let him go but at least he promised to text her when something new happened.

After signing and everything, the Midoriya family went home.

~ - ~

It was the day on where Deku was going to his class and meet his classmates and just hope everything will be okay. Maybe he could get friends too? or-or-or, oh forget it. With a quirkless boy like him, he doubts that he'll get any friends at all.

Shaking his head, he looked around for his classroom before stopping in front of a very large door. He woke up early and took his time to go to UA, i mean he is going to live there at this point so might as well spend some time. He was probably late and  signed in during the first semester but he didn't care. He took it upon himself and he was going to accept it.

Sighing deeply, he twisted the door knob and walked inside. His footsteps light and quiet as he entered the room with everyone inside the room, stopping to look at whoever came as they were all sat down and were talking to their advisor who stood in front of them all.

"It seems that the new transfer has arrived.

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This was supposed to be long but i don't have any more motivation to well even write. This might be a 3-parter or a 5-parter as i wanted to include everyone's reactions and how they feel about Deku and all that while taking the ship slow as it can be.

I'm sorry ya'll but i ain't into fastin things lol.

Hope i did good on expressing Deku losing hope. i tried. ; - ;

That's all, see you on the next update. Bye bye!

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