Chapter 1

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I'm standing on my balcony looking out beyond the wall. I wonder what it's like to be a normal teenage girl who doesn't have to worry about being crowned queen once she finds her prince.

Being a royal sucks I mean it has its advantages but then again I'm not allowed to leave the castle grounds and that means I have to make friends who are already in the walls. Not all of them really want to be my friends. They are either forced or just want to be my friend because I'm a princess

The only true friend I have is Mya Cerna. Mya was trained to be a guard she finished training a few months ago. We met when we were 5 and we just clicked I guess. It is tough to make friends some are just after the stuff they will end up getting when you hang out.

"Madam your mother wishes for your presence" a voice I know too well. I turn to the butler.

"May I ask why she wishes for me, Mr. Paisley?" I ask as he turned to take me to where she was waiting.

"She didn't say she just told me to get you," he said simply.

I take in his appearance he wasn't too young or old he was somewhere in the thirties. I still remember the day I asked him why he chose to be a butler.

~~~~~~~Flashback to when Elena was twelve~~~~~~~~~

"Mr. Paisley, why exactly did you chose to be a butler?" I ask and let me remind you this was when I was only twelve.

"Well, princess Elena I was born into the life of a butler just like you were born to be a princess. Both of my parents were butlers for your grandparents and they wanted me to be one as well" he said as we sat down on the bench in the garden.

"I'm sorry you didn't get to choose what you wanted, but think of it this way we both didn't get lucky" I frown playing with a petal of a nearby flower.

"How did you not get lucky I mean look at you-you're a princess any girl your age would wish to be in your position," he said pointing to me.

"It's true that any girl would wish to take my place but if they grew up in this life they would wish the same thing I do which is  be a normal girl who doesn't have to train extra hard to keep your posture straight and manners don't even get me started there you can't break character even with a dear friend. I don't even get to leave this palace. It's beautiful here but sitting here all the time gets boring." I finish my rant with a frown.

"I wish to say it gets better but we both know that would be a lie because it only gets harder," Mr. Paisley says.

"Well, here I am sitting and ranting about all the stuff I have to go through. Look at you Mr. Paisley you have to wait around and do whatever we say and you don't get a break and you have to do even more stuff on top of the waiting around" I sigh.

"I get some breaks," he says looking at something in the distance.

"You don't get enough" I whisper and get up.

"Well look at it this way princess I might not get enough breaks but you get none," he says to leave me in my thoughts.

~~~~~~End of flashback~~~~~~

"Here we are Princess," he said before dismissing himself. I was so engrossed in the memory that I didn't even realize we were here.

I take a deep breath looking at the dark brown wooden door in front of me.

I find myself stalling before I straighten my back and push the door open slowly as I nod to the guards standing next to the room.

I walk into the room and was greeted by my mother who was sitting at a table with a few other women known as the party planners. I already know what this is about and I'm not that excited about it just means more work.

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