Chapter 16

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Darius' POV

Some warriors who are better at fighting with weapons packed as much as they need. The ones who are better fighting in wolf form didn't pack anything. We have three pack doctors coming with us.

"We head out in 5 minutes" my voice booms through the room.

I watch my warriors scrambling about to finish what they were doing.

I head out to the back yard with the twins.

"Were so close to getting her back" Casco says with so much excitement.

I smile at the thought of getting Elena back. Were are so close to getting her back its hard to believe.

When everyone was arrived in the back yard I cleared my throat to get there attention.

"This trip is gonna be long so we'll take a 15 minute break at a lake half way there NOW LET'S GO GET THE LUNA!" I shout at the end shifting and heading west, my pack following behind me.

We ran for an hour until we made it to the half way point. I shift back throwing on my shorts.

"Enjoy your 15 minute because we still have another hour ahead of us, I'll give everyone 30 minutes to rest when we reach their territory before we attack" I say watching them scatter.

I take a bottled water from my bag I carried with me. I drink half of my water before throwing it back into my bag.

"Darius you need to relax, go for a swim and loosen up" Tyler says coming up to me.

"I don't feel like swimming but feel free to swim if you'd like" I say before walking away to lean against a tree. I look off into the woods until its time to go.

We arrived at close to the border twenty minutes ago.

"You guys ready for what you're gonna do?" I question walking tho the twins and the three guards who were going into the house.

"Yes we'll be ready in 5 more minutes" Casco says leaning against a tree while his brother is sharpening a knife.

I roll my eyes at Casco, of course he's not doing anything. I sit next to Casco leaning against the tree also.

I rest my eyes for the last ten minutes. Casco nudges my arm.

"You coming or you just gonna lay there the rest of the day" he says standing up.

I grumble while getting up. I head to the front of the pack.

"You guys ready?" I ask, I do not want tired men going out there to lose, then we'll never get Elena back.

Everyone nods, some getting their weapons ready.

There are twelve guards on the border. I picked eleven pack members to help with the guards.

I nod my head at them as the run up on their opponent snapping their necks and dropping their bodies to the ground.

The last guard is looking around frantically before his eyes glaze over contacting his alpha.

When his eyes go back to normal noticing my hands on his neck. His eyes are pleading me to stop. I twist his neck with ease feeling a pop of success.

I let his body fall to the ground with the others. I motion for my pack to follow.

Elena's POV

I just recently got a beating by several different people, I lost count of how many people.

My body was covered with black and blue bruises, cuts and stab holes.

My body hurts, I lost a lot of blood and feeling to my left arm.

I raise my head slightly up to see who just entered the room. Well just great it's Mitch, his beatings are the worst he is the only one who is willing to stab me.

Mitch makes his way towards the cell unlocking it.  The door burst open revealing one of the guys that beat me earlier.

He whispered something into Mitch's ear. Mitch cursed then glanced at me.

"Looks like it's your lucky day but I'll be back soon" he mumbles then rushes out of the room.

Looks like he left the keys in the cell door. I hold my side with the stab hole so I can try to get up without reopening the wound. As I got up slowly straightening my back but instantly regret it when my wound reopens. I can feel blood start to soak my hand once again.

I groan as I make way towards the door. I lean against the bars as I push the cell door open.

I limp towards the door peeking outside. I look to my right to come face to face with a guard.

I slam the door shut. Oh god I'll never get out, I'm to weak to take that guard even if I wasn't weak I'd still wouldn't be able to take the guy.

I'm screwed their aren't any windows and the only exit has a guard posted outside the door.

I'm starting to get tired just standing here  trying to come up with a useless plan.  I walk over to a chair sitting outside of the cell, I sit down leaning my head back to rest.

Authors note

This chapter is short but at least its something. I will be posting tomorrow because I have nothing better to fucking do.

Not edited.

Until next time,


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