Chapter 19

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Elena's POV

"What do mean you can't be Luna, Lena it isn't really a choice" he sighs.

I push my self away from Darius, heading towards the door.

"I always have a choice Darius" I walk out of the room, Darius following behind me. 

"Lena your a princess you don't even have a say in your life" he states.

"Darius please be quite your not helping the situation you just put yourself in" I snap, picking my speed up to get away from him.

I walk towards the living room walking even faster when I see the door.

"Wait up Princess Elena!" I hear a small voice shout from behind me.

I stop walking and turn around. I see the cutest little girl that melted away all my anger towards Darius.

She had black hair that matched Darius' hair and her eyes were a mixture of green and grey.

She tried her best to skip towards me in a dress that was an exact replica of one of mine.

I give her a warm smile when she finally reached me.

"It's a pleas-sure to meet you princess" she said struggling on the word pleasure.

"No no no the pleasure is all mine"I smile.

"Sofía nows not the time" Darius interrupted. 

"But Dar I just wanted to meet her" she whines stomping her little foot on the ground.

"Yeah Dar she just wanted to meet me" I say stomping my foot also.

Darius glances at me, his look softens when his eyes meet mine.

"Fine sof" he says letting her go.

"Yay! Victory" she shouts running towards me.

She hugged my leg while looking up when she reached me.

"Can we go to the castle" she asked giving me puppy dog eyes.

"Where I come from those eyes will get you no where, but I was just on my where there so I guess you can come along" I say, looking down at her.

She sounds her body around so fast I'm surprised she didn't fall.

"Can I go can I go" she pleaded.

"Go ask mom, Sofía" Darius answered.

Sofía huffed as she marched up the stairs.

"Look Lena I didn't mean what I said back there my wolf was kinda upset that you didn't want to help run the pack with him so he kinda took over" he sighed running a hand threw his hair.

"It's fine"

"No it's not he upset you and made you angry at us" he wrapped his arms around my shoulder while pulling me closer to his chest. When I was this close to him I could barely even stare mad at him.

I wrap my arms around him, leaning my head on his chest.

"Ok you can let me go now" I say trying to push him away but he didn't budge.

"I'll never let you go" he kisses the top of my head.

"Please, your hurting me" I lie, Darius sprung away from me as I give him a smirk.

"Liar" he glared at me.

"Whose a liar Darius?" A  females voice asked from behind Darius.

Darius turned to face the woman, giving me a better veiw of her.

I recognized her from the first time I was here, she was Darius' mother.

"Nobody" he answered, giving his mom a kiss on the cheek.

"You gonna take your sister to the castle with you today?" She asked.

"Yeah that's why I just sent her up there to ask" he states glancing up the stairs as Sofía came walzting down the stairs.

"Just making sure" she says, turning to me.

"Nice to see you again Elena"

"Likewise,-"she cut me off.

"The names Vivian" she holds her hand out.

I hold my hand out to shake hers but Sofía interrupts.

"Mama they don't shake hands they curtsy" she she puts a foot behind the other bending her knees slightly.

"Well my bad Sof I didn't know" she laughs.

"Well it's nice to officially meet you Elena" Vivian says giving me a curtsy.

I give her a smile before saying "likewise" 

"Well we should be off mom, see you later" Darius cuts in grabbing my hand along with Sofía's.

He leads us to his car, opening the passenger door for me shutting it when I get in. He then open the back door putting Sofía in her car seat.

Darius gets in the car as we drive to the castle. After the guards opened the gate for us Darius drove the rest of the way to the castle.

"Wow" says Sofía, admirably.

I get out of the car then I help Sofía out.

She squeals in excitement while running to the doors. Well here we go, this oughta be fun.

Authors note

Not edited.

Hope you enjoyed.

Until next time,


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