Chapter 18

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Darius' POV

After I dispossed of the bandages I ran up to my room to get in the shower.

I stand in the shower just thinking about when I attached the Mitch guy, I know Elena saw how I shifted into the wolf then I ripped the guy's head off in front of her. Is she choosing to ignore what happened or does she not remember?

I honestly want to know, but I just can't go out saying "hey do you remember when we rescued you and I shifted into a wolf then ripped the head off of that Mitch guy?"

The water started to turn cold so I decided to get out.

I throw on a white shirt and black shorts. I head downstairs then over to the pack doctors area.

"Good afternoon doctors" I say walking past the doctors.

"What's up with you all of a sudden and did you finally shower" one of the doctor questions.

"Lena's up and she made me take a shower" I smile continuing my journey bad to her room.

I push the door open just as Lena opens the door slightly.

"I kinda need some clothes" she blushes, making me chuckle.

I. Take my shirt off tossing it to her.

"I'll go see if Kara has some pants for you" I say turning around towards to the door.

"Put a shirt on before you come back" she shout after me.

"Why?" I smirk turning to face her.

"It's distracting" she looks anywhere but me while bitting her lip.

I chuckle while nodding as I exit the room.

I head to Kara's room. I knock, a few seconds later she answers the door. I push past her heading towards her dresser. I open the third draw grabbing a random pair of jeans.

"Um excuse me you can't just come in here and taking my favorite pair of jeans" she whines.

"Well I just did" I walk out of the room.

"You won't fit in them!" She shouts after me trying to catch up to me.

"Well lucky for you their number or for me" I say glancing at her smiling at face.

"Who are they for the-- oh my fucking God why didn't you tell me she was up" she hits me on the chest running to Lena's room. Fuck I forgot a shirt.

"Hey give her these while you in there" I throw the jeans at the back of her head.

I run back up the stairs and into my room, grabbing a light grey shirt.

I jog back to Lena's room seeing her being squished in a group hug from the twins and Kara.

"Ok guys your hurting her" I say noticing her wincing in pain.

They all spring away form her mumbling sorry.

She lays down on the bed smiling.

"How are you tired you just woke up from a ok one month nap" Casco questions.

"Hey I literally just stood in the shower for a whole 20 minutes after not moving at all I'm exhausted give me a break" she rants.

"Whatever Lena your just trying to keep your excitement of seeing me hidden" Casco smirks sitting at the end of her bed.

"Wow Casco your so full of yourself" she gaps kicking him in the side.

"No I'm not, just admit it Elena you missed me" he pokes her leg.

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