Chapter 3

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I can't actually believe that I'm starting school on Monday, I honestly can't wait. Today is Sunday so I only have one more day left. When I told Darlene she got so jealous it was great.

I found out that Mya and her stepbrother, Diego Terrazas would be my guards who will accompany me to school.

My parents gave me guards my age so it wouldn't be suspicious to every teen at school. We also have to keep me being a princess a secret so nothing bad happens to us, or what my parents really meant was me.

I was currently walking with Mr. Paisley through the ballroom. I liked to walk through here especially two weeks before we had a ball.

I loved watching how all of it was put together. The room goes from a plain empty room with a small stage to an extraordinary decorated ballroom.

"Mr. Paisley, did mother and father tell you that they're allowing me to go to public school?" I ask excitedly.

He raised one of his eyebrows and shook his head.

"Well, they did I'm extremely excited" bounce on my feet a little.

"Remember when I said it would either get harder, maybe I was wrong" he chuckled.

We walked around the ballroom some more talking about Darlene's party until it became too late and her mother sent her to her room.

I can't wait for tomorrow was the last thought on my mind as I sunk into the soft mattress.

I wake up to Mya shaking me. I rub my eyes and look around then me gaze lands on Mya. She was completely dressed in a red band t-shirt with some dark jeans.

"Come on, get ready or your gonna be late," she says throwing an outfit at me.

I rush to the bathroom and threw on black jeans and a light yellow blouse.

I run a come through my brown hair. After I combed through all the snarls I brushed my teeth.

I exit the bathroom a minute later. I came face to face with an impatient Mya.

"Bout time I almost had to break down the door and drag you out" she shoved my bag into my stomach.

"I didn't take that long in there," I say slinging the bag over my shoulder. We left my room and headed to the dining room.

When we entered my parents and sister and Diego were there eating.

We sat down and ate the scrambled eggs and toast. I hadn't realized I was hungry until I sat down to eat.

"You guys better head out before you're late for your first day of school" my dad instructed.

"Bye mother and father see you after school," I say rushing to the door with Diego and Mya.

We got into Diego's car as he drove in the direction of the gate. As he passed the gate I held my breath looking out the window as we moved farther away from the castle I started to breathe again.

It didn't take long before we pulled into a parking lot. I looked up at the school it was definitely a lot smaller than the castle that was for sure.

I sat in the back of the car staring at the building just waiting for me to wake up, this didn't feel real.

I felt as if I were going to wake up any second and none of this would be real.  I was snapped out of my though because of Diego.

"You gonna get out princess?" he asked his eyes going wide as he realized he said that last part a little too loud.

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