Chapter 12

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When I woke up this morning I was still in the locked room. I was brought food when it was breakfast, lunch and dinner every day I've been here.

The food was something I was getting used to. It took two days yo realize it wasn't going to get better. The thing that surprised her the most was that they didn't hurt me.

Usually something happens right. All I do is literally sit in this do room looking out the window or sleeping waiting for something to happen.

The door opens and the guy who kidnapped walked in. The other day he told me his name was John.

He doesn't have food like he usually did he had a stack of books, pencils and notebooks.

He set them on the desk he put in here when I was sleeping yesterday.

"I brought you these in case you get bored" he said leaning against the desk.

I nod my head looking at the items he brought.

"Ok bye" I say not wanting to look at his face anymore. He smirked shaking his head.

"Come on lets go for a walk" he suggested opening the door wider.

"A walk where?" I don't trust him at all to even leave this room.

"Outside or around the house where ever you want" he smiles when I get up slowly.

I take careful steps towards the door. He grabs my arm fast then drags me out the door.

"You walk soooo sloooww" he drags his words out.

I see the door come into view. A smile breaks out onto my face when im standing outside.

My smile falls when john faces me.

"Don't try to run the place is surrounded" when he said that people with guns step out of the line of trees surrounding this place.

I nod looking around. There is a playset for children and a pond and many different things out here.

The playset had many kids running around and play having a fun time. Did he take all of them too?

I head over to them. Some of them turned there heads to me eyes wide when they saw me.

"Oh my pony look its the princess" a little girl with brown pigtails gasped.

She ran over to me jumping up and down squealing.

Making a few other girls join in. Wow they are so "not" getting annoying.

"Why are you here?" the little girl asks. Well I have no idea how to respond to that.

"She's here to visit an old friend" a familiar voice called out from behind me.

I turn around slowly. Tears filling my eyes when I seen who the voice belonged to.

He was a very old friend of mine that I used to trust so deeply but I will never trust him again.

"The last we spoke I meant what I said Mitch" I spoke coldly as he chuckled.

"No you don't you never mean what you say when your angry" he takes steps towards me.

"I only ever got mad at you once so may I ask you I you 'know' I just talk instead of do" I put quotations around know.

He shrugs still coming closer to me.

"I swear if you take one more step closer I will stab you when your sleeping" I hiss, he stops only to laugh.

"I can't even believe you when you look like that" he says when he quit laughing.

"You'll never know until it happens" I threat walking back to the doors.

I was two feet away from the door when Mitch grabbed my arm spinning me around and smashing his lips on mine.

I'm shocked I didn't even know he felt this way towards me. I snap out of it when I remembered he always kept a pocket knife in his front pocket.

As much as I hated it i kissed him back so it didn't make him suspicious when I reached in his pocket.

When I retrieved the knife. I shoved him away as I kicked my foot out sweeping his foot making him fall, him bringing me down with him. I fell on top of him.

"You've gotten strong but im stronger" he muttered flipping us around so he was on top.

"The sad thing is that im smarter" I whisper as I stab the knife into his stomach.

He hissed in pain as I twisted the knife. I shoved him off me pulling the knife out with it. Blood dripped down my hands as one of the guy standing in the tree line comes rushing towards us.

"Don't ever put your hands on me again, do you understand now Mitch" I look down at him. His eyes were drooping from the loss of blood pooling out his stomach.

"WHAT IS GOING ON OUT HERE?" a voice booms. I turn around to see John. If there weren't armed men out there I would stab him too.

"She attacked Mitch sir" the guy spoke. I let out a dry laugh.

"If him forcing himself on me is me attacking him then sure that's what happened" I hand the knife over to John with a smirk.

"Now im gonna get cleaned up if you all don't mind I'll show myself to the bathroom" I push past John walking through the door.

I walk around aimlessly until I came to a bathroom. I washed my hands and face because who know when the next time I'll come out of that room now.

I walk out the door to run into someone. I look up seeing John and let me tell you one thing he didn't look to happy.

"You cant just go around stabbing people, let alone my friends" he says arms crossed over his chest.

"Your friends with Mitch?" I asked in disbelief.

"Mitch whose mitch, the guy you stabbed is name is Charlie" he said, I try not to smile.

"Oh so that's what he calls himself now, I'd be careful if I were you because last time I checked your buddy is not really Charlie. His name is Mitch and he's an identity thief. So if I were you I would find the real Charlie before Mitch gets rid of him for good" I say.

"Why are you telling me this" he asked making me smirk.

"Because your gonna tell me why I'm here"

Authors note

Cliff hangers suck don't they. They just leave you questioning life. If you want leave a comment saying why you think John kidnapped Elena.

Not edited.

Hope you enjoyed.

Until next time


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