Chapter 28

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Elena's POV

1 month later

My sister finally got used to the house and being surrounded by wolves. The first night she asked me to stay in her room with her.

We goofed off the whole night barley getting sleep. She also told me that she over heard our parents talking and it turns out my mother is pregnant. My sister and I hope that she'll spend more time with this kid instead of jumping straight to training them to become a leader.

Darius held my Luna ceremony, so now I'm officially Luna.

Evie did show up at school the follow Monday after she kissed me I remember that day like it was yesterday, not because it was awkward or weird but because it was totally unexpected.


I was hanging out with Darius and the twins waiting for Mya and Diego. Casco was going on about how I pranked him this morning.

"Shh she's here" Tyler cuts Casco off.

"Whose here?" Casco asked looking around with the rest of us.

"My mate" was his only reply.

"There" he points at Evie. My eyes widen well that must be a total shock to her.

"You talking about Evie" Darius and I say at the same time.

"You two know her!" he he whisper shouts.

"Yo Evie" I wave at her, she waves excitedly back rushing over.

I give her a hug "so turns out you're not a"

"Lesbian" she finishes for me.

"Yeah" I laugh glancing back at my friend's. They're already looking at us mouths open.

"What" Evie and I say at the same time. I forgot they could hear us, whoops.

"Spill Lena what are you girls talking about" Darius demands crossing his arms in front of his chest.

"I won't spill anything besides my lunch on Casco when I walk past him" I smirk making his eyes go wide.

"I'm kidding" I assure him.

Let's just say Evie told them that's she thought she was a lesbian and kissed me which made both Darius and Tyler mad.

Daius wouldn't talk to me for three days. On the fourth day he stopped being a big baby and asked me why I didn't tell him that she kissed me. I told him I was going to but then Andrew threw up on me and it slipped my mind.

Graduation went well, my parents showed up but I didn't speak to them I was still mad at them. I feel that maybe eventually I will reach out to them, when I know that they won't drag me back to that castle.

Now back to reality, I'm sitting at the table with my sister her mate and Casco. Darius was working on pack stuff in his office with Tyler.

"Can you hand me that cup of glue" I ask pointing to the cup.

"Why can't you get it" he sighs trying to lift the cup, but I glued it to the table. He pulled harder making the glue spill all over his favorite shirt.

"Darlene" I say, she hands me the cup of glitter.

"Just know I love you Casco" I say throwing the blue glitter at the wet glue.

"Just know I hate you Lena and you know that this was my favorite shirt" he whined.

"Yeah I know but I don't like it so I made you a knew one" I threw it at him smiling.

He unfolds the shirt reading it trying the hide his smile but fails.

"Change into it right now" I demand.

He gets up taking his shirt off and puts his new favorite shirt on. He threw the litter filled one at me. I threw the shirt in the thrash.

Casco turned to face me showing me the shirt. I made the shirt a few days ago, it says in tiny words 'Just Know That' then in huge words 'Lena Loves You' and on the back it has his name.

"Thanks Lena I'm showing Darius and Tyler" she shout running out of the room with me following close behind him.

Casco starts shout before we get to the office "brother oh brother guess what Lena made me!" He burst through the room.

I walk in a second later out of breath.

"Dang I should work out more" I state looking at Casco who turns around looking at me then we start laughing

"Yeah I didn't even believe myself" I say.

"So that's what you been working on that you wouldn't show me" Darius says putting away the stuff that was on his desk.

"Well if I told you then you would've told Casco then it wouldn't be a surprise"

"She aslo ruined my favorite shirt with glue and glitter" Casco Huff's crossing his arms over his chest.

"Hey I had to do whatever it took to get you out of the shirt" I say adding "let me rephrase that that sounded sexual I had to get you out of that shirt so you could wear your new favorite shirt"

"You could have asked me to take that shrit off you didn't have to go and ruin it" he pouts sitting on the couch.

"Oh please I've seen you wear that shirt for a whole week before so I doubt that you would've done what I asked" I scoff.

"Now if you excuse me I gotta go" I say running out of the room. I run back to the table.

"I should stop trying to run" I take deep breathes.

Darlene chuckles along with Theo. I roll my eyes getting something to drink.

Darlene and Theo left to go out somewhere, I wasn't really paying attention.

I hear someone knock on the door, I jog over to the door opening it. Evie is standing there waiting.

"You know you can walk in you don't need to knock" I inform her opening the door wider.

"I'll remember that next time" she smiles, walking up the stairs.

"Well then I love you too!" I shout, she didn't even ask how I was.

I march up to the room I share with Darius. I turn the TV on laying on the bed. I flicker through channels stopping on a random one.

I don't know how long I was watching TV for but my eyelids felt heavy and I was fast asleep.

I wake up to the bed dipping.

"Why do you always fall asleep with your jeans on?" He mumbles.

"Because I'm to tired to change" I reply making him jump slightly.

"Why you up?" He asked laying down.

"I don't know I just woke up" I say getting up and changing into one of his shirts.

I climb back in bed "goodnight" I mumble.

"Goodnight princess, I love you" he mumbles back wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me closer to him.

"Love you too" I say snuggling closer to him, falling back to sleep.

Authors note

Not edited.

Hope you enjoyed.

Until next time,


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