Chapter 11

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I'm laying on my bed when there's a knock on my door. I slowly get up opening the door. I don't even see who it is because they tackle me to the floor.

I land with a grunt. The person pulls back so I can see their face. I'm dace to face with Mya.

"Since when do you knock" I push her off me, brushing the dirt off my jeans.

"I don't know but your boyfriend is down stairs requesting to see you" she says pushing me towards the stairs dragging me down the stairs.

"Dude chill before you make me fall" I say stumbling down the stairs.

When we reach the bottom I rip my arm from her grip.

"One of these times your gonna hurt me from dragging me down them stairs" I huff crossing my arms over my chest.

She rolls her eyes but walks away.

"Ugh I don't love anymore!" I shout after her. She came running back in a second later.

"No no no you have you have to love me. I still want to be with you. You cant say that then we'll have to break up and then it'll be awkward because I have to follow you around at school" she says holding back her smile.

"Too late its over" I say turning my back to her so she cants see my smile. I hear her fall to the floor.

"Nooooo come back you can leave me like this" she weeps. I turn back to her rolling my eyes.

"You're so dramatic I told you we're done and your little fit your having isn't wanting me to take you back" I say shaking my head at her.

"Plus she's Mine" Darius says wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me closer to him.

"Fine move on so quickly" she huffs her lips twisting into a smile. A smile forms on my face as well and soon enough were laughing at what just happened.

After we sober up she gets off the ground leaving the room.

"So what did you come here for" I question Darius, twisting in his arms so I'm facing him.

He gave me a sweet smile.

"I want to take you to the carnival" he leads me to the door.

"Ok I guess lets go" I say dragging him to the door.

"Hey hey slow down we have time" he says pulling me back to him. I turn to him pouting.

He chuckles giving me a peck on the lips. This turns my pout into a small smile.

"Come on lets go" he says taking me to his car. He opens the door for me, shutting it when I got in. 

He gets in the drivers seat, starting the car then pulling out.

"Don't you usually have guards following us?" Darius questions glancing in the mirror real quick.

"Yeah but Mya is covering for me" I reply looking out the window. 

It takes a while before we get to the carnival. Darius finds a parking spot close to the entrance.

We head over to one of the rides waiting in the long line. 

We spent an hour and a half riding different rides and having fun until we started to get hungry.

We head over to a food truck. Darius got us nachos and slushies. We then find an empty picnic table and sit down.

We eating the food and we tries seeing who could finish our slushies the fastest, Darius won I couldn't keep going with a brain freeze.

Then we spent thirty minutes riding rides before darius had to use the bathroom.

Darius dragged me to the bathroom and told me to wait. That's what I did I waited. 

A few guys approach me smirking.

"Well well well look who we have here boys its the princess and here I thought that I was going to have to break into the castle to retrieve you" the guy in the middle whom I'm assuming is the leader of this group chuckles.

"Well I hope its not your lucky day" I say glancing towards the bathroom.

"Well we'll just have to find out, right boys" the guy says lunging towards me.

I try to run but the guy was faster than me and caught me before I got away. The guy chuckled while placing something over my mouth. I tried not to breath but I need some oxygen. I breathe in the fumes on the cloth. It starts to make me dizzy and I start yo black out.

I woke up looking around this place. I was expecting to see a dirty cell with bars in a dark moldy place but I was in a room. I was placed on the bed, it wasn't as fluffy as my bed which made me jolt awake remembering what happened.

The walls were a tan color there was two windows a dresser and that was it nothing else in this room.

How far away from home am I? Does my parents know I've been taken?

I have so many questions but no way of getting answers.

I walk over to the window trying to push is open but it's locked, ugh.

I stand there looking out the window. The moon was shining through the the window allowing light to light the room.

I hear someone walking in the hallway. Then a jingle of keys and the door being pushed open.

I whip my head to face the guy that took me. He had a dark brown hair, he was about 25. He looked surprised I guess or maybe he was confused.

"When did you get up?" he asked placing a tray off food on the dresser.

"A while ago, how long was I out for?" I questioned him. 

"Three days" he said, his face turns to utter confusion in a matter of seconds.

"Why are you so calm I just kidnapped you you should be freaking out" he says flinging his hands around.

I might seem calm but deep down their was a riot going on everywhere in my body.

"Oh I can throw a fit if you'd like but just to let you know it wont be a pretty sit" I hiss taking a deep breathe to start screaming.

"Oh no no where good we don't need that happening" he butts in before I let out a  high pitch scream.

"Here eat this, we wouldn't want you to starve now would we" he grabbed the tray and handing it to me.

I don't take it, I just stand there looking at it.

"Why am I here?" I questioned, he chuckled placing the tray on my bed.

"That's a story for another day, now eat your goddamn food and I'll be later to make sure" he says turning on his heel and heading towards the door locking it behind him.

I glance at the food, I don't want to eat it but I also haven't had food in three days.

I slowly walk over to the plate of spaghetti. It looks edible and good.

I pick the fork up and scoop some into my mouth. It was great, but the cook back home was better.

I finished the plate, putting it on the dresser then turn off the light.

I head over to the bed to sleep and hopefully I'll be back home.

Authors note

I thought I'd make it interesting and what better way to make it interesting and cliche by adding a kidnap scene.

Not edited. 

I hope you enjoyed.

Until next time


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