Chapter 27

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Darius' POV

My wolf and I are excited that Elena is moving in today. I didn't expect her to go into the throne room demanding to be let go and to be honest I found that sexy.

When Elena agreed to ask her parents I literally thought she only agreed because she knew they would say no. Either way I was still gonna take her.

"Elena!" I hear Darlene call from the next room. I woke into the bathroom where Elena is.

"Darlene's calling you" I inform her, she drops her stuff and jogs to the next room.

I hear Lena start to laugh and Darlene yelling at her to shut up.

I walk over into the next room to see what was happening. When I walked into the room Darlene was laying on the floor in her closet with the clothes and the rod to hang the clothes up on piled on her. Darlene was wiggling underneath the clothes.

I chuckle while lifting the clothes and rod up.

"Damn your strong" she mumbles pushing herself up.

"How did that happen anyways?" I ask smirking.

"Well I'm always breaking things even ask Lena I remember when I broke the door to the secret rooms" she laughs pointing to the corner of her closet.

"I still don't know how it's easy to use"  Lena say grabbing Darlene's hand and placing it on the hand pad opening the door.

"Wow I've been pushing that small button this whole time" Darlene groans.

I shake my head and walk back to Lena's room. I finish packing the rest of the room with my were wolf speed.

I walk over to Darlene's room. When I entered there was now one in here.

All her clothes are was taking were placed in several piles, in fact every thing she was taking were in piles on the floor and bed.

I grab a few boxes and use my speed to pack this room up.

"Darius!" Elena shouts making me stop moving and turn towards her. Darlene looks at me with wide eyes.

"Sorry didn't hear you guys coming" I mumble.

'how much of that did she see?' I ask

'all of it' Elena sighs.

'well I mean we should tell her since she will be living in a house filled with wolves' I say.

Elena nods her head then lead her sister to the bed. I take a seat next to Lena.

"Well Dar you're going to be living in a house full of wolves" she says jumping up heading towards the door. Before she even got half way too he door she was already sitting in my lap.

"You don't get to take off and leave the rest for me" I say.

"Well it's only fair since you are the one that's the wolf so do explain to my dear sister" she gives me one of her million dollar smiles.

I sigh and explain everything about wolves including mates, marks, completing the mating process and I shifted for her.

"So your the Alpha and my sister is your mate which makes her the Luna and I will be living in the pack house with a few other humans and the rest will be wolves" she sums up a few things.

I nod my head, pacing the last box for her.

"That's too much information" she runs her hand through her hair.

"Oh my God I didn't tell Mya and Diego I'm leaving!" Elena shousts running out of the room.

'you guys here?' I link my beta and third.

'yeah we just pulled up' Tyler answers.

'well hurry up and get in here and help me load these boxes up then' before I even finish they were standing next to me.

"Much better, now there are boxes in Lena's room too" I say grabbing a few boxes and carry them to the trucks they brought.

It takes 10 minutes for us to load all the boxes up.

Lena comes outside with Darlene and her two friends.

"I'll see you guys at school tomorrow" she says hugging them.

She walks over to me smiling then says "let's go"

She walks over Casco's truck getting into the back. Darlene follows after her.

'I'm riding with Tyler don't give Casco a hard time' I link Lena while hopping in Tyler's truck.

'I never give him a hard time' she Huffs

Elena's POV

Casco starts driving following Tyler. 

"So Casco how you been?" I ask, getting a weird look from him.

"Well I've been good, why you acting weird?" He asks shitfing his eyes back to the road.

"Well Darius told me not to give you a heads time and I'd like to arrive to the house alive so here I am not messing with you and since we live together now I have all the time in the world to mess with you" I smirk at him when he looks in the mirror.

He drives faster with his eyes wide the rest of the way.

When we park he jumps out running into Darius.

"Shit sorry" he mumbles before saying something about getting a better lock on his door.

"Lena what did you do?" Darius asks sternly.

"Nothing all I told him was since we live together I have all the time in the world to give him a hard time" I give Darius a cheeky smile walking past him.

I drag Darlene inside and to the couch. Pack members walking all around over whelming her.

I hear heavy footsteps running down the stairs, I look up seeing Theo Fraser looking straight at Darlene mumbling mate. Darlene obviously didn't hear or see him.

I look back towards Darlene when she ran outside. Theo heads towards the door but I step in front of it.

"Give her time she is overwhelmed right now I say at least two weeks until she gets used to the idea of most of the people she lives with are wolves" I say giving him a small smile.  I walk outside with Theo following.

"Darlene this is Theo, Theo this is my sister Darlene" I introduce them.

Theo sticks his hand out towards Darlene, her breathing is ragged as she eyes his hand for a while before slowly bring her hand up placing it in his.

After a few moments of shaking his hand, he calmed her and eventually her breathing went back to normal.

"Well I'm gonna go and start unpaking  Darlene do what ever you please but don't get into trouble" I say jogging inside and to Darius' room.

Darius was already unpacking so I helped.

Authors note

Not edited.

I will be updating another chapter today.

Hope you enjoyed.

Until next time,


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