Chapter 25

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Elena's POV

It's been two weeks since I meet Evie and I haven't seen her since. Evie goes to a different school but she is thinking about transferring to my school. Sine I haven't seen Evie and she seemed nice I invited her out to go to the movies.

Darius told me about how I could hear his voice in my head. He told me that because he marked me, it opened up the mate link. It was confusing at first but then it became more understandable when he said it's average for the whole pack to talk to each other through the pack mind link or they can link one specific person. Now for the mate link it only allows mates who are marked to communicate. I also learned how to keep Darius out of my thoughts and that good because right now it's a scary place.

I glanced at the clock, I still had fifteen minutes till 1:30. I grab a light jacket in case I got a bit chilly.

I run down stairs where a few guards were waiting.

The guards lead me to the limo.

"Do we have to take this? It draws so much attention to us" I groan.

One guard looks at me, then back to the limo.

"There's more room in here but if you want to take snoetging else then I'll go get the suv" he tell the limo driver that we're changing to the suv.

The guard then runs to the large garage. A few moments later the guard parked the suv in front of us.

I get in the back as the guards pile in too. I tell the guard to go to the smaller movie theater instead of the bigger one.

It took about nine minutes to get there. When we reached the guards piled out while one helped me out of the suv. I give him a thanks.

I search the parking lot for Evie, I see her getting out of a green car. Evie noticed me a few minutes after I already found her.

She gave me a huge smile waving like a maniac while jogging towards me.

She engulfed me in a hug when she reached me.

"It's been a while. How have you been?" I ask while walking into the theater.

"It's been good I guess, better than it would have been back at my old town though so that's a bonus" she smiled.

"Well glad to hear that" I stop at the end of the line of  people. The place smelled strongly of buttered popcorn.

The line moved slowly but at least it was somewhat moving.

We finally purchased movie tickets and watched the movie. We headed out of the theater with the guards following.

"So you want to head to the library because I need to get a book for school and do some research but I want to get the book now before the library closed" Evie asked when we were standing outside.

"Yeah but I'll have to meet you there" I say getting into the suv, telling the driver to go to the library.

The driver nodded, driving in the direction of the library. We made it to the library before Evie but she was there a few minutes after we arrived.
I thank the driver and head into he two stroy library.

When we walk through the doors I gapes at all the books and I thought my library had too may books.

There was about more than 1 million books in here all different genres.

Evie heads to a section in the back labeled informational.

I follow behind her running a hand over the book spines. Evie pulls a book from the shelf.

"I have to see if the stuff I need is in this book so I'm gonna skim through the book if you don't want to wait then you can leave at any moment" she says sitting at an empty table.

I pull a random informational book from the shelf as I make my way towards the table.

"What is your research about anyway?" I ask trying to look at the cover but it was hidden by the table.

"It's about something in world war 2 or something like that I wasn't really listening to be honest" she replied sheepishly.

I nod my head and open my book skiming over my pages as I read the text fast.

We spent an hour in the library researching what Evie needed or at least what she thinks she needed to research.

We headed to the park for some fresh air. We sat there talking about what we liked and about personal stuff. Evie and I had a lot in common like we both don't like to be told what to do we love ice cream hence the fact that she works at an ice cream shop.

But what really alarmed me was when we were silent and Evie gave me a look I couldn't really figure out what it meant.

Evie then started to lean in and captured my lips in hers. It felt wrong, it could be because of the mate bond or because I thought of us as just friends or maybe it was both.

I jumped back as well as Evie.

"I sorry I didn't mean that I don't know what I was thinking" she gasped when. She realized what she did.

Authors note

How do you like Evie so far and what about her kissing Elena?

I'm on spring break so I might be posting we vn more through out the week.

And sorry if this chapter doesn't make sense I was literally trying to fall asleep and my eyes were half way closed while writing this.

Not edited.

Hope you enjoyed.

Until next time,


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