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TODAY should have been like any other day, except it was anything but. When I woke up this morning, I acted as I would any other morning, knowing little about what was to come. Placing one foot in front of the other, rapidly running to the bus before it could leave without me, just like any other day.

"Woah Ella, slow down." My friend, Cody, cautioned with a deep chuckle erupting after struggling to stop me from tripping over myself as I tried to stop abruptly. He then brought up his skinny arm to tuck a few stands of my thick blonde hair behind my tiny ear, exposing my angular face. I gave him a glare, pouting my lip, trying my best to look upset. But after hearing another chuckle almost escape his chest, I could tell it was no use.

"I told you not to tuck my hair behind my ear, it looks too couple-y." Cody's smile immediately turns to a frown at my rejection of his affectionate action.

"You don't think we could be a couple?" He fake pouts, eliciting a giggle from me. What a silly but absurd thought.

"Never. You're too girly." I joked and his hand flung to his heart with a shocked facial expression, pretending to be wounded by my words.

"Hey, no one is more girly than you!" He attempted to defend himself, but quickly realized that he had complimented me, being an actual girl and all.

We continued to giggle at each other's remarks all the way to school, and before we knew it the day had passed, leaving us to go our separate ways, back home. The sky was beginning to set, in preparation for the night. With the trees silently blowing in the wind and people arriving home after a long day at work, settling in their comfy chairs about to eat a delicious meal. The thought of food made my stomach make a small grumbling sound, making me frown at how little I had actually eaten today.

Mom said she was going to bring home some lasagna from the office today, some of her friends had been making meals for us since we had such busy schedules and such little money. It never ceases to amaze me how kind people in this world could be, helping those in need from just their home town or even all the way in Africa. One day, I want to be able to help those in need, when I have enough for myself that I can give to others as well.

After shaking my head from zoning out, I continue to walk home. But, not long after, I stop in my tracks and whip my head behind me after hearing the familiar sirens of an ambulance. Fear racked through my body, my eyes following the direction the vehicle was going, mentally hoping that it wouldn't turn left, where my home was. But, despite my hopes, it did, and in that moment my mind went blank and I began to sprint home.

As I arrived I saw the most horrific scene in front of me. My home was covered with bullet holes, broken windows, and what looked to be blood near the front door. I saw my neighbor talking to the police, and then someone came up to me.

"Excuse me, ma'am, do you know who's home this is?" I hadn't even looked at the man, I couldn't even respond. My throat was dry and my eyes threatened to spill tears. I was able to gain the strength to part my lips, but no sound came out. "Ma'am, I need you to answer my question." This time his voice held concern.

"T-this is m-my h-home." I finally stuttered out, too in shock to ask if my mom was okay and what happened, I continued to stand there on the street before my driveway. Until my knees gave up and I crumpled to the ground, my eyes releasing sobs of tears. My tiny palms covered my eyes, despite the fact that something awful had happened, I was embarrassed for crying in front of the strong officer.

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