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chapter six~

IT has been so boring in the last 8 hours that Ellias has been away at work. I decided to take a cold shower to cleanse myself as much as possible. I acted so dirty just a few days ago. I don't know what has gotten into me lately, I need a reality check.

Ellias says that I can go back to the city to work if that's what I really want. But, he continues to insist that I live with him for the time being. And so, I obviously agree to his terms, but I won't get to go anywhere until he gets back from work.

I read a few magazines that were neatly stacked under a black leather coffee table in the living room. And now I'm just in a long t-shirt with a burrito of blankets wrapped around me as I binge watch Gossip Girl. I'm not one for drama, but I'm somehow addicted to the lives of the "upper east side".

Something about the way life is always, in a way, the same for everyone. Life always decides to give each and every person, no matter how perfect of a family or friends they have, some type of life-damaging problem. I wonder what horrible thing may have happened to Ellias? I want to know more about the attractive man who has literally swept me off my feet. It's unnatural to love someone before you get to know them, right?

Just then, I hear the rattling of keys outside of the front door and the click of it unlocking.

Ellias is home.

Getting up from my very unattractive state, I shove the blankets off of me, immediately regretting my decision after a sudden wave of chills washes over my entire body.
Nevertheless, I stand up and tug my shirt down as it had scrunched up as I had squirmed and stretched occasionally under the blankets.

He walks into my eyesight, looking handsome as ever with his dark brunette hair messed up from the stress, his helplessly adorable black glasses placed atop his nose. His suit jacket is pulled off aggressively as he enters. Then, I avert my eyes from his very obvious abs showing past his dress shirt, and I notice his knuckles are scabbed over with blood. Gasping, I run over to him to make sure he is alright.

"Ellias," I gasp again as I take his large and injured hand in mine and inspect it thoroughly. "What happened?" I quickly look into his brooding baby blue orbs, almost completely covered by his somehow dilated pupils.

"Nothing, baby, I'm okay." He lowly growls out, with a hint of guilt sounding after realizing his rough speaking towards me.

"No, no It's not okay, Ellias." I try to imitate his low growl, but all I made was a fake-low voice like a little girl would make when she was voicing her Ken doll.

My words frustratingly make a small smile form on the luscious lips of Ellias, melting my heart immediately after I was done being angry at him for practically laughing at my attempt to get him to answer me.

"Ok, but seriously, what happened?" I give my best serious look as I stare into his now somewhat normal eyes.

"It's so sweet when you worry about me, kitten." His hand escaped my inspecting one and lifts to brush my now flushed cheeks at his crazy nick-name. "But what happened has no concern for you. Just trust me you don't need to know, okay?"

"I guess so, but you must tell me later, promise?" I glare up at him with my sharp eyes which earns me a reluctant nod from my pouty baby.

He walks over to his room, grabbing me gently by my waist along with him.

"Ellias?" I ask breaking the silence.

"Yes, beautiful?"

"Are you still taking me to the coffee shop tonight?" I say as I look down at my feet, I feel bad for asking such a question while he is silently in pain from his injury.

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