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chapter nine~

ELLIAS had ordered a big tray of lasagna for the two of us to share. When we had walked into the restaurant I was amazed by the warm fairy lights lining the deep red walls which surrounded the dark wood tables clad with deep red tablecloths. The two different sized white candles were immediately lit once we had sat down which made the mood even more romantic-like. This was a lot for the first date.

He sat across from me for a moment but only a few seconds later had he smoothly moved his chair right next to mine.

"So, my angel, my beautiful, my everything, do you like it here?" He whispered deeply into my ear and the names he called me sent a shiver throughout my body.

"I love it, handsome guy," oh goodness, I tried being like Ellias and calling him by a compliment, but the surprise on his face showed me otherwise. He hates it, and I just embarrassed myself in only the first ten minutes of our date.

But just then, his surprised expression turned to a smirky one and his thick dark chocolate eyebrows wiggles cockily. His plump lips turned to a sly smirk before he opened them to perform a deep chuckle.

"Awe, my angel, is that the nickname you came up with for me?"

I paused in aw and embarrassment looking up at him before averting my gaze to the silverware next to my empty plate.

"Oh, I'm sorry beautiful, I didn't mean to be mean. Please forgive me I just thought it was cute how you were mimicking me. I love you and I would never mean to make you anything less than happy." His words sounded so sincere, but they reminded me of an important question I've been meaning ask him.

"I-It's okay." I clear my throat before speaking again. "If you don't mind me asking, why do you say you love me when we've only just met a couple weeks ago?" This has been floating around my head ever since he first spoke those three words.

"Oh, my angel, that's simple. Ever since I saw you in the pouring rain, I just felt a tug in my heart that wouldn't let me leave you alone. And when I picked you up in my arms that feeling grew deeper inside of me until it consumed my whole being. That feeling was not pity nor was it empathy, but it was pure love. I realized it only as I spent more time with you. The way you walk as if you're scared of tripping on your own feet. And how you giggle nervously in my presence. Just the way your small body touches mine makes my stomach flip like an acrobatic in the Olympics. I know that seems oddly strange, and I've never known this before. But I just know that I want to be yours forever and ever, even if it takes you half of our lives to love me back."


That's all my small mind can conjure up to speak aloud at this moment as I comprehend his words.

He just gave me my answer, but why do I still feel half empty? And do I love him back? He did save me, and he truly cares for me, which I trust is true. I can't deny the sparks I feel when he touches my waist, or the fireworks when he kisses me. So why can't I just say I love him back, because I think I do. Maybe I'm too scared because I don't want to love someone again just to lose them. But I don't want him to go away when I know that I love him back, I just won't let myself tell him.

By now, Ellias's face turns concerned as I haven't spoken one word in what seems like an eternity. Now is my turn to speak, and I know what I want to say, but I'm stopping myself from saying it.

It's time for me to woman up and tell him that I feel the same way, that I truly love him back. With kisses and touches that set my body on fire, it is easy to tell how I feel. But I'm no good with words. I could always change the subject, but no, I need to say something or else I will hurt his feelings. I seem to not have it in me to crush the heart of the man who I've only known for a short amount of time.

Here goes everything.

"I-I—" I begin to speak but my throat gives out when I hear the sweet and loving voice of Ellias.

"You don't have to say it back, my love. It's okay. I won't leave you just because you won't say the words, you will one day. And until you're ready, I will keep loving you. And even when you do say those words, I will continue to love you, for I am forever yours."

His words sang blissfully in my ears right before our dinner came and he fed me forks of lasagna and sips of water. I feel so great full at this moment, for this man, and for his deep love for me. I know that one day like he said, I will come around and say the words, and when I do I wish to make him always happy as well.

No one ever told me of how powerful love can be, and for sure, no one ever told me that there was such thing as love at first sight. But Ellias has taught me, he has shown me so much in so little of time.

"So now, if I may ask, why do you live on your own at 17?" Ellias gently turns my head toward him with his large calloused fingers, surprisingly soft despite the toughness of them.

I knew this question was inevitable at some point to answer, and so was the question I asked him. So I guess the kindest way to answer would be to answer truthfully, as he did with my question.

"It's a very long story."

"I've got time."

His smile grows as he looks into my eyes intently while crossing his ankle on his knee and resting his large handsome head on his fist, leaning on the table comfortably waiting for my story.

And so I tell him all about that day, from beginning to end. Throughout my storytelling, Ellias had stayed silent and comforted me as I began to shed a couple tears. I've never opened up to anyone in my life about anything except for Cody and my mom. But Ellias gives me this warm feeling of home, kind of like Cody, but Ellias is more.

"Whoever did that to you and your mother will regret it for the rest of their soon-to-be short lives. I will find them, I have people. And I will make them suffer as they have made my sweet angel suffer. No angel like you deserves what they have brought upon you." The words Ellias spoke should have scared me, and they did a little, but all I can think of is how irresistible he sounds when he gets protective of me. Although I should probably address that there is no need for any violence or revenge, it wouldn't make me feel any better.

And so I tell him just that, the only thing that will help me move on is him. He seems to like my answer because as we are leaving the restaurant out the way we came before, he hugs me from behind and embraces me tightly saying,

"There is nothing I would enjoy more than making you happy again, I love you."

In my head I think, I love you too.

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song: "colors" -halsey

a/n horray! this one is hopefully way better than the last short one, so I hope you loved it!

question: how do you think their date went, what did you expect and was the real version better, or was it too deep?

i feel like it was really wordy and maybe I had them repeat a lot of things they have already said, so please comment or message me some feedback to make this book the best it can be!

as always i love you, and thank you for your votes and reads!

until next time you sexy secrets,

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