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chapter two~

MY eyes flutter open, revealing my scared dark chocolate eyes. I quickly sit up from my sleeping state, in a room that is not familiar. I recall the event of last night, and rush to the door, easily turning the knob and running into a wide hall with panic, trying to find my way out. There seems to be quite a lot of doors just in this hallway, but before I can check any of them for an exit, I accidentally run into a hard wall.

Looking up from falling, once again, on my butt, I slowly realize that there is no wall. Except for a tall and muscular man in only sweatpants, showing off his obvious six pack, looking straight down at me and my vulnerable state. Frightened, I struggle to get up and then back away slowly. But just before I could decide to sprint away from this undeniably handsome man, a strong and warm arm wraps itself around my small waist, pulling me back to this wall of a man. My back is placed impossibly closer into his hard chest, my head reaching just above his tight abs. I can feel him lean his head down to my right ear, and whispers something that sounds like 'don't run, my love' but I can't be for sure.

Confused, I struggle to break his hold on me, despite the fact that his body embracing mine feels so right. Who knows what this man is capable of, he could be preparing to sell my organs or something. The thought made my stomach flip and not in a good way, and I look down at my abdomen, hoping that I still have a stomach.

Breaking me from my thoughts, a very deep chuckle sounds from behind me, making me a little mad that this man would laugh just before he was going to detach me from my precious organs and sell them on some sick website.

"Your so pretty when you squirm, but please don't squirm in my arms." His statement surprised me, why would he care? I attempt to look up and behind me to get a better look at this man, already sensing his smirk from here.

"L-Listen here, bucko, if you d-don't let me go, I-I'll-" I stuttered out as I try to make an angry face by pouting my lips and narrowing my eyebrows, but all I got from him was another one of his enticing deep chuckles and his strong arms turning me around to face him.

"You'll what, I don't care if you slap me I won't ever let a perfect angel like you go." His voice resonated in my ears, he's never going to let me go, I just can't bear the thought.

With no other option, I look at this man and try to use my eyes and lips to pout my way away from him. But after a few minutes, all I got from him was more and more deep chuckles, those darn chuckles.

"Why don't I make you some breakfast." His arm pulled me to his side while resting his large hand on the small of my back, directing me toward another room. I was given no other choice but to walk with him, still not being able to shake the feeling of being safe with him, even though he literally kidnapped me.

Or maybe he didn't? Maybe he saved me, I mean I had no home or family to be kidnapped from, maybe he just saw me cold in the rain and decided out of the kindness of his heart to help me. This is all so confusing, and with no food in my stomach, it made it harder to think straight.

Then, as if he had read my thoughts, I begin to smell the sweet smells of strawberries and toast. Looking down, I see that he had sat me down on a tall stool in front of a tall marble counter. My legs, being short as well as my torso, couldn't even reach the metal rod that rested halfway down the stool, and instead, they just dangled with my feet being bare and cold. He must have taken my shoes off last night.

Despite the fact that this man had mysteriously taken me into his home, I couldn't help but lick my lips and practically drool over the strawberry jam melting on the hot pieces of toast in front of me. My stomach made an embarrassingly loud growl, telling me to just eat already.

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