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chapter eleven~


ELLIAS had decided to take me out for a late brunch at a fancy restaurant called "Sunny Side Up". It had taken hours to convince him to let me out of his hold in his comfy bed to get something to eat. I'm surprised I didn't have to go to the bathroom at that time.

Now we're sitting across from each other.
I'm so new at this relationship thing. Wait, are we in a relationship? I can't help but wonder what is going through Ellias's mind right now as he shoves big bites of syrup-soaked waffle gently into his mouth.

His eyes have only occasionally left my small and awkward form. His baby blue orbs look so inviting, but I don't have the courage to look right at them.

"H-How's your waffle?" I ask quietly, and Ellias looks even more intently into me as a great boyish smile spreads across his handsome face.

"It's very delicious, but not my favorite food." His smile grew into a smirk and I blushed scarlet, not wanting to think about what he was implying.

"Don't you want to know what my favorite is?"




Ellias gives up eventually and pursues a new topic while continuing to look very amused.

"What would you like to do today, angel?" His fingers trace my jawline after he swiftly moves from his seat to right next to me.

"First, I would like to finish my waffle," I state obviously, but he just chuckles deeply, for a reason I can't figure out. It's not like what I said was anything near funny. I really do want to finish my waffle.

"After that, beautiful." These nicknames keep changing, what is with Ellias and nicknames? I guess I've kind of gotten used to them though.

"How about, um, oh!" I get an amazing idea, "we should go to the park!" I've always wanted to actually have fun at a park, not just sleep in one. The sight of playing fetch with a puppy and having a picnic with grapes and sandwiches.

"Perfect idea, Ella." My name being swept off his lips gives me chills but at the same time, I feel warm inside.

"Waiter, we'd like the check now." Ellias claps his hands to get the attention of our very kind waiter named Chris.

"Of course Mr. Starr" Chris literally just bowed his head, that must be some sort of training this restaurant gives its workers.

Starr, kind of an odd last name, but I'm more surprised that Chris knows his last name because Ellias told me this is a restaurant he's never tried before.

I later forget my confusion after Ellias pays for our breakfast and directs me out the door and into the car. I just can't wait until we can run around in the green grass of the beautiful park and cuddle on a picnic blanket.

Today is so serene that it just can't go to waste. I'm usually never an outside-loving person, but on a day like today, it just sounds so wonderful to spend it with Ellias at the park.

I'm so stuffed with breakfast foods that I probably couldn't eat another bite of food. That's why when Ellias offered to go home first to make a basket, I simply replied with a 'no' and told him that we can do other things like look up at the clouds instead of eating more.

As we begin to park at a park somewhere near the city, Ellias stops the car and joins back with me after hopping out of his side of the car over to mine. Walking with our hands locked together and with our feet stepping lightly and freely onto the soft grass. I stop to grab my stiff shoes and take them off, letting my no-show socks show.

I skip happily after looking up at Ellias to see a grand smile smeared all over his beautiful face. Letting go of his tight but loving grasp on my hand and running around further into the surprisingly empty park.

I'm confused for a moment as to why any park would be this empty on a day like today. But, it is only for a moment because the next thing I know, Ellias comes up from behind me and grabs my sides with his large hands and lifts me high into the air. He still holds his hands on my body and his own body spins in circles. I can hear his deep chuckles from below me that clash with my high pitched giggles.

I throw my head back at this moment, loving every last second. Eventually, he lets me down gently and I turn around to meet his broad chest. I look up into his eyes and am immediately captivated by every asset of them.

It feels as though there is nothing in the world around us, only him and me. The birds' sweet singing seem to fade away as his arms wrap around mine. I know what he is about to do as I notice his eyes moving from my eyes to my lips, but I feel embarrassed at kissing in a public and family-friendly place, even if there is almost no one here. And so, I decide to peck his plump tempting lips gently and bounce back flat of my heels, after stretching on my tippy toes to actually reach his lips. It's a lot easier when he bends down to kiss me, or when I'm on a higher surface than him.

His eyebrows furrow down making me feel a bit guilty for not giving him the kiss he wanted. But before I can say a word of apology I feel a drop of wetness soak a strand of my hair on my scalp. I look up to see a new group of heavy grey clouds, which were definitely not there a few moments ago. I squeak in surprise and I avert my eyes from the sky as more and more droplets fall on me.

Soon those droplets turned to pouring rain and we stood as close together as possible to keep warm. We stood still, remaining in the now pooling grass, looking at each other and laughing silently to ourselves. I smile remembering that no one else was at the park because they had probably known that it was going to rain. But, I love the rain and the way I feel when I'm soaked in it but still warm with the body heat transferring from Ellias's body to mine.

Everything in this little picture of a moment is perfect.






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song (just came out!!!) : "no tears led to cry" -ariana grande

a/n hey! i hope you liked this little chapter and i had other more plot-important things that i was going to add to it, but i'll just do that for the next one.

anyways, i think that this moment between e and e was so cute!

tell what you think, and don't forget to vote and share with friends!

until next time you sexy secrets,

'    '
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