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chapter three~

I wake in a hazy light, rubbing my tiny fists against my eyes as if to rub the sleepiness off of my face. The pillow my head rests on seems harder than it was before, but it is still very comfortable. And the mattress also seems as if it's the same hardness, and a little warm as well. It's only moments later that I realize that the thing I lay atop of starts to breathe.

Squirming, I try to climb off of Ellias and his naked chest. My cheeks flush with embarrassment as he gives out a deep groan and his strong arms pull my small body tightly to lay flat on top of his muscular build. My head is able to angle itself upward to get another good look at this man. This man that has somehow squeezed his tall body under my petite one, what a strange man he is.

I mentally shake my head and focus back on my mission, looking at his dark brunette and fluffy hair, as well as his highly defined jawline that could probably cut the diamond in my necklace from my mother, if he wanted. I have to admit that the hormonal girl inside me is going crazy, but the childish and 5 year old girl outside just buried her face back down in his muscular chest in even more complete embarrassment.

My action made Ellias lift his thick lashes to show his gorgeous baby blue pools that people call eyes. I could feel him staring at my scrunched up state atop his strong form, and I just hid my face behind my thick head of hair. Quickly realizing how much my hair must look like a rats nest after all of these naps. I also realize that I am in a much comfier shirt than my soaked sweatshirt, and I now have some sort of long pajama shorts on. However, they may be another piece of clothing that is not meant for girls to wear, but before my cheeks can heat up from the thought, I shove it aside and try to think of something else.

His thumbs have made several circles on my back by now, making me grow goosebumps all over my pale skin. I can sort of hear him whisper something, but I can't quite make it out. I can't help but feel like all is right with the world in this moment, I know that this is bad, but he makes me feel so safe and sound, I never want to get up.

But my annoying tummy begins to make a small but mighty growl, immediately making Ellias sit up and get out of bed.

"You must be starving, how about I get you some late lunch?" Late lunch, late lunch. How long have I been asleep? I turn my head, searching for a window and looking out of one once I find it. The hazy light from when I woke is now a color of pink, purple, and orange fused together in a beautiful tropical looking sunset. What I would give to run outside and take a picture right now.

"What would you like, love?" The love confuses me, but he must have gotten it from some English person, but he most definitely does not sound English himself. His perfect tone of adoration makes me answer calmly to him.

"Uh-Umm-food?" I managed to break out the words from my parted lips, he makes my throat dry up every time right before I speak to him. A deep chuckle sounds in front of me as I make an embarrassed face as I crawl to the end of his bed.

"Ok. How about some soup?" My stomach grumbles as a sign of 'yes'. He smiles handsomely and kneels down to kiss me on the cheek before he exits the room. He looks back at me once more to tell me he will be right back and that I should rest some more before he gets back.

I immediately fall back on the bed as the door shuts and I give out a small sound of satisfaction as I stretch out my weak limbs on the silky covers. Staring up at the humongous ceiling, I start to think about what I could do while he was gone, seeing as I have slept enough. I slowly get up and out of his bed, shuffling my feet slowly over to a door in which I hoped contained a toilet.

After doing my business, I wash my hands and look at my horrible looking hair in the big oval shaped mirror. Not only is my hair an oily mess, but my face is all dirty from a lack of water to wash away the dust. I glance at the shower a little ways away, past the luxurious looking tub, to my left. After a couple minutes of listing my pros and cons, I grab a towel and undress. Turning the knob to hot and waiting for it to warm up a little.

Stepping in, I feel the little hot beads cascading down my hair and back, leaving me with little tingles at the fact that I hadn't had a real shower in months. I grab the soap that smells like Ellias, but with no other option, I begin to lather my body with the intoxicating scent.

Then, I move onto the greatest pleasure of all, shampoo! I rub the liquid between my hands for a few moments, and before I mix the concoction into my blonde hair, I blow a few bubbles from my hands, giggling at the sight of them float around the large shower room. Frowning a bit when the bubbles popped.

After my joyous shower, I turn the head off and wrap the white towel I had grabbed earlier around my torso, it is very large and sags loosely at my shins. So, I hold onto the top tightly, as well as simultaneously parting my hair to my desire. I decide to let my hair air dry and I place the clothing Ellias had somehow dressed me with back on. Not having other clothing options, I walk back out into Ellias's room.

I am surprisingly greeted by an over gleaming Ellias. I freeze in my spot, standing and realizing that I had taken a shower in his home without asking politely, or at all for that matter.

His smile falls as concern fills his face, his body swiftly moving towards me and embracing me in his strong muscular hold.

"What's wrong, my sweet love?" He whispered to me, looking at my face with several emotions and thoughts running through is tough head.

"Nothing, um, I was just realizing how rude of me it was to, um, take a shower without asking you." I stutter nervously, while not looking at his baby blue eyes, afraid that they would be angry at me.

"Oh, angel, you could never be rude to me. Besides, I was going to offer you a shower once I came back." His voice sounds sincere, and I decide to believe him. Because he just had this thing about him that made me want to go with him to the ends of the Earth and back.

So, I nod and look up to his eyes through my long lashes, and instead of anger I see sweet admiration, I wonder what he was admiring, maybe the beautiful dark wood dresser behind me.

"H-Hey, so I got you some chicken and noodle soup, I hope that's ok," he spoke, breaking the comfortable silence that hung between us a moment ago. But I'm not saying I'm disappointed, his deep velvety voice soothes my ears.

The thought of digging into my favorite soup sounded positively lovely, the steamy vegetables and chicken with the smooth noodles and seasoned broth. Mmmm.

He brushed his fingers through my wet hair and played with a strand for a couple seconds, then his arm wrapped around my waist almost like he was protective of me and directed me toward our meal. I could smell the delicious fumes coming from the coffee table in his room, which also included a comfy looking couch and a large flat screen TV.

He sat me down on his criss-crossed lap against the couch, my head leaning back and resting on his abdomen. He set a big warm blanket on top of our joined bodies and started my favorite TV show, F•R•I•E•N•D•S. My body involuntary snuggled closer into his, while we ate our soup. I can feel his warm body slightly move as he eats and I can't help but think how odd this whole thing is, it's like he's my hero who saved me or something. But this hero isn't letting me go, he's holding me hostage with his velvety voice and hot kisses on the cheek. My strange hero.

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song: "not about angels" -birdy

a/n okey dokes! i hope you enjoyed a little more of Ellias and Ella...i wonder what their ship name could be...

anyways..! please share with your friends if you think they would enjoy this story, and don't forget to give me any feedback, if you would like :)

again, if you are ever going through anything, just message me, because sometimes all you need is to talk to some stranger to let everything off of your chest.

i know that for me, at least, today has been an awful day of self loathing. so i want to make your days better, i love ya <3

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