Ashlyn & Ali

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The last year has been very up and down for Ashlyn. She actually loved playing over seas. Mal and her had become closer then ever and Ash felt as though her performance on the soccer field had improved.

But with ups comes down's and one of those downs was the fact her relationship had suffered an extremely big strain. Ali and Ash spent most of there time fighting and unfortunately there wasn't alot of making up being done. The girls had hit a rough patch and they were struggling to hold the relationship together.

The fact that Ali had told the truth about why she didn't want kids had played a big part in the reason behind the constant fighting that started 5 months ago. Ash was beyond hurt by Ali's confession, she was angry that Ali had hidden it for so long and she was sad that Ali thought that of her.

But when they finally started working through it, rumors hit the papers 'Ashlyn Harris and Millie Bright. Have started dating' The papers couldn't have been more wrong, they were nothing more then friends. Unfortunately for Ash these lies once again shook the already shaky relationship.

My boo ❤❤: Babe please just talk to me. It's all bullshit!! Millie and I are just friends. I would never cheat on you!!

Ashlyn had sent that message to Ali 3 hours ago and still nothing. She had tried calling and gotten nowhere. She felt like her life was crumbling down around her and there was nothing she could do about it.

Picking up her phone from beside her on the couch, she tried Ali one more time before calling Emily.

"Ash it's two in the morning" Emily answered. Ash suddenly felt bad but at the same time she didn't care, she needed her bestfriend right now.

"My life's falling apart Em and I don't know what to do about it" Ash says as tears start to flood her eyes. She wasn't the sort of person to cry, but her emotional state couldn't allow her to be strong.

"If you're talking about you and Ali, then stop worrying. Lauren spoke with her and she just needs sometime. She's going to call you in the morning when she wakes up"

After a little more convincing Ash finally let Emily go back to sleep. Turning around Ash was met with a glare from Mal.

"That better not have been Emily you just called" Ash couldn't understand where Mal's anger was coming from. Of course it was Emily they are bestfriends they lean on each other.

"I know it's 2 in the morning but I needed to speak with her" Ash says back, she figured that Mal was upset because of the time difference. Thing is Ash couldn't have been more wrong.

"Get your shit together Ash, pull you head out of your arse and start thinking about what other people are going through" Mal said storming out of the room to leave a very confused Ash.

Mal was right Ashlyn had been so caught up in her own head that she didn't know, nor did she care what was going on around her. She was focusing on herself, how was that a bad thing.


Again, again and again. Her phone ran beside her. Ali was getting to the point of turning it off, but she couldn't she was expecting a phone call from Emily and Lauren. Why Ash was so concerned about there relationship at a time like this baffled Ali.

Ali knew Ash wouldn't have cheated, she didn't believe the news headlines, but even though she didn't believe any of it, a small part of her had hoped it was true. That way there was a reason to end the relationship. A relationship that Ali wasn't even sure if she wanted anymore.

Everything is different now, they barely see each other and it almost feels that the only thing they now share in common is soccer. Ali still felt so much love for Ashlyn, but she wasn't even sure if she was in love.

This wasn't a new feeling she had had. She has felt this way for the last month, she wanted to go on a break and try and figure out where her head and heart were at, but she didn't want to ask for a break over the phone. So she has decided within herself to wait for another month, for when Ash comes home.

"Heard anything yet?" Steph asks coming into the room. When all the girl had moved out. Steph had moved in with Ali to help with the rent, they have become really close friends over the past year.

"No still waiting" Ali says rolling over to face Steph, who had layed down beside her. Both girls look at each other, there eyes full of emotion. This year had taken such a toll on everyone.

Ali was the first to cry, Steph quickly pulling Ali into her arms to allow her to cry. Soon they were crying together. They had done this a few weeks ago when they first found out what was happening in there bestfriends life and just like that night, the girls cried themselves to sleep, holding each other close.

Both were awaken by the sound of Ali's ring tone. Quickly grabbing her phone she saw Lauren's name pop up on the screen.

"Have you heard anything yet?" Ali answered, her hand grabbing Steph's as Lauren told her the news. Her heart breaking more then she thought it would.

Ending the call she relayed everything back to Steph, both of them breaking down in tears.

"We need to go, we can't let her go through this alone" Steph states. Pulling themselves together both girls started packing. They didn't care that it was 1 in the morning. Ali still called Tom to tell him that they were going to Portland and when she explained why Tom booked them the flights. 4.30 am. 

After packing and making sure everything was together the girls cuddled up on the couch and drunk there coffees. Neither planned on sleeping because they didn't want to miss the flight. As Ali leaned into Steph's arms, she thought about how much she missed how this use to be Ash and her, cuddle up on the couch leaning on each other. But now it was Steph that protected her, supported her and helped her through everything.

She didn't have feelings for Steph but a part of her wished she did because Steph was everything she needed in this moment. She was caring, supporting, trust worthy and mature.

"It's moments like these that make me realise why the team think we have something going on" Ali says leaning her head up to look at Steph.

"There just jealous that they don't have such an amazing bestfriend like myself" Steph joked, Ali laughed whacking Steph's stomach playfully.

"I'm the amazing bestfriend" Ali states with a smile. The girls were always like this, playful and fun. Constantly joking and picking on each other.

When Steph's 3am alarm blared from the speakers built into her phone, both girls grabbed there belongings and headed for the airport. Checking there bags in and waiting to be boarded.

Once on the plane both girls let there eyes close, there hands in each others for comfort as they finally drifted off to sleep.

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