Sophia & JJ

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Things had been going so well for the pair. They were living together and had announced there relationship to the world 6 months ago. But 2 weeks ago everything changed, there lives where turned upside down.

"Babe" JJ wrapped her arms tightly around Sophia after her girlfriend had picked up a vase and thrown it against the wall as she screamed. Tears ran down both there cheeks as the fell to the fall in an emotional huddle.

"I hate him" Sophia yells, Rory the Chicago Red Stars coach wouldn't allow Sophia to go Portland till after the final. She was more then angry, her family was falling apart and she was stuck playing a sport she didn't care nearly as much about.

JJ held her girlfriend close, she hated seeing her so broken, but over the past two weeks a heart broken Sophia was all that she could see. The new had hit both girls like a ton of bricks, but the update that Lauren had given them this morning had taken away any hope or happiness Sophia felt.

"I can't do this" Sophia breaths out as the anger turns into sorrow her tears cascading down her face, faster then before. JJ tightened her hold on her girlfriend, trying to bring her as much comfort as possible.

"I'm here baby" JJ knew that there was nothing she could say to make anything better, there was nothing she could do to take away the pain that Sophia was feeling. All she could do was be there and hold her everytime she broke.

They stayed huddled together on the lounge room floor for a while until Sophia had cried herself to sleep. JJ scooped her girlfriend into her arms and carried her to the bed. Laying her down gently before sliding in next to her, she knew that Sophia hated waking up alone and right now the last think JJ wanted to do was add to Sophia's pain. 

JJ layed her head back against the pillow thinking. How is it that everything can go from absolutely amazing to heart breakingly tragic? Why was this happening to such am amazing set of people? Why did this sort of stuff happen at all?

After laying on the bed her mind racing over and over with thoughts and questions, she slipped put of the room and call Rory.

"If you don't let Sophia and I go to Portland, I'll be calling the media" JJ yells down the phone, she wasn't usually like this but her family mattered more to her then a stupid soccer final.

'Don't threaten me Julie, you can go to Portland after the final has been played' Rory says firmly.

"Sophia and I will be transferring then and I promise to throw the game" JJ says, she was done with Rory only caring about a stupid cup, life was more important and just because he was a lonely old man with a wide that left him for another man, doesn't mean that everyone has a broken family like his.

'You and Sophia will be benched' Rory threatened.

"Expect a phone call" JJ yells hang up the phone and dialling someone with a lot more power then her.

'JJ I wasn't expecting to hear from you, how is everyone doing? I'll be in Portland tomorrow' Jill answered the phone.

"Rory wont release Sophia and I until after the final. Jill Sophia needs to be with her family right now, I have never seen her so broken" JJ says as tears start to fill her eyes. It hurt her seeing her girlfriend in so much pain.

'Pack your things, book a flight. I'll deal with Rory' Jill says, JJ could hear the anger in Jill's tone. Jill had a soft spot for Emily and Sophia. That was why JJ had called her because she knew that Jill would have none of it.

After thanking Jill profusely, she ended the call and started packing hers and Sophia's belongings. She had no idea how long they would be gone for and she didn't care. She just had to make sure they had all the necessities and there favourites bits and bobs. She hasn't bothered waking Sophia. She knew that her girlfriend needed the sleep.

After finishing off the packing she pulled her phone from her pocket and booked the flights managing to get two tickets for the last flight of the day 11.30pm. JJ looked up at the clock. 3.30pm. She nodded to herself deciding that she should try and get some sleep too.

As she was about to slip back into bed her phone rang. Rory popping up on the screen.

"Yes?" JJ answered, she had no desire to be kind to her couch, she actually felt hate towards him.

'I have reconsidered, you and Sophia are free to go to Portland whenever you please'

"Bye Rory" JJ says hanging up the phone. She wasn't going to thank him, it never should have come to her having to go over his head. He should have let Sophia and her leave as soon as he was made aware of the situation.

To Coach🥇⚽: Thank you. See you in Portland tomorrow x

JJ set an alarm on her phone to be sure they would be awake intime of check in before slipping into bed. Her phone pings beside her.

From Coach🥇⚽: No need to thank me, the family needs to be together at a time like this. Give Sophia a hug from me. I am sending my love to you both x.

The USWNT are just a close as they use to be if not closer, over the past year they have won together over and over again, saving Jill's job and building a family relationship again.

To Coach🥇⚽: I will xx

JJ wrapped her arms around her girlfriend and drifted off to sleep. She woke to her alarm waking Sophia gently, telling her what had happened while she was asleep before they got some food and headed to the airport.

Sophia loved the fact that JJ had gone to battle for her, she loved how JJ was always there whenever she needed her. She loved that JJ didn't say 'you'll be okay' or 'everythings going to be fine' because it only anger Sophia when people would say that, so JJ would just remind her that she was here and that she wasn't going to let Sophia face this alone.

"I love you" Sophia says leaning her head up off JJ's shoulder and pressing her lips to the blondes.

"I love you too" JJ said wrapping an arm around Sophia's shoulders pulling her closer. "I always have and always will" She adds leaving a kiss atop of Sophia's head.

"Thank you for not leaving me, for being here to support me"

"I wouldn't be anywhere else, we are a team baby, we face things together now" JJ replys to her girlfriend. Sophia gives a small smile, pecking her girlfriends lips before leaning back down on her shoulder, waiting for the time they could board there plane.

A/N: What do you guys think is going on with all the girls? Let me know if you have figured it out yet. Xx

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