I Can't

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Sophia's P.O.V

Waiting. That is currently what we are doing. We are waiting in a private waiting room to hear what's happened with Luca. We don't even no if he is alive or dead. I haven't left JJ's side, she is the only thing keeping me from falling into a deep dark hole of depression.

Thankfully Lauren has been by my sister's side. Not letting go of her and keeping her from going completely insane. It can't be easy for Lauren either. Luca started calling her Mum a few months back, they are a proper little family.

"Luca Sage's Family?" A doctor asks walking into the room. Everyone of us stand. Emily and Lauren standing forward, to show the Doctor they are his parents.

"We are his parents" Lauren says because Emily has been unable to speak for the last hour and half.

"I am so sorry to inform you that Luca didn't make it, we tried everything we could, unfortunately we were unable to revive him" I collapse back in the chair, tears flooding my eyes, my heart shattering into a billion and one pieces. My chest tightening as I struggle to breath.

Emily's P.O.V

His words hit me like an arrow through the heart. My body starts to shake as emotions wash over my whole entire body. "I want to see my son" I mumble out, looking at the doctor through the tears thats a blurring my vision.

"This way" I hear him say. I grip hold of Lauren's hand pulling her with me. As I follow the doctor down the grim halls of the hospital. I freeze at the door. I don't actually think I can do this. I don't know if I'm ready.

"Take your time" I hear Lauren choke out beside me. I try to nod but I can't even be sure I managed it. I close my eye's my head spinning and my chest aching. He needs you to say goodbye!! You need to say goodbye!! I scream internally to myself.

I take a step forward and finally I have my hand on the door handle. I twist it and push the door open, keeping my head down so I don't freeze, so I can make it into the room. Once I see the bed come into my vision. I take in a deep breath before lifting my head.

"Why?!" I scream out as I run to his side letting mt head fall on his chest as I hold him tight, endless amount of tears gliding down my cheeks and seeping into the thin hospital sheets. "I am so sorry" I repeat over and over again.

I climb up into the bed next to him and pull him into my arms. He looks so peaceful, as if he is sleeping and I want nothing more then to believe that he actually is, that if I squeeze my eyes closed tight enough, that when I open them again, he will be cuddling me back with a smile on his face and giggles falling from his lips because to much love nummy.

Lauren slides into the small hospital bed on the other side of Luca, cuddling both of us. For the first time since hearing the doctor speak the words that will change my life forever, I look up at Lauren, her cheeks glistening as the lights in the room reflex of the pool of tears cascading from her eyes.

I grab her hand and pull her a little closer as me sandwich Luca between us, we use to do this when he was scared, please mummy it makes me feel safe. We would smile at him and nod, allowing him to climb up the bed inbetween us. The memory of it only causes more tears to escape my eyes.

Lauren's P.O.V

Emily has been with Luca the past hour, she can't stop crying and after 15 minutes of watching the strongest person I have ever met break, I had to get some air. I walk outside, Malia in my arms as I try to stop myself from crying.

"Lauren stop, you need to be strong for Emily right now" I say to myself as I sit on the bench out the front of the hospital.

"No you don't" I spin around to see Emily standing behind me. "He was our son Lauren, we are in this together" She states sitting down beside me, her hand slipping in mine as I intertwine our fingers. "Our family will be strong for us, right now we need to be broken, we need to feel" Emily mumbles. I squeeze her hand to say I agree.

"Let's go home" She nods and we both walk towards the car. I let Emily buckle Malia into the car seat while I call Ali to tell her we can't be here anymore and will see her at the house.

I drive because I know that Emily can't right now, I pull up into the drive way, neither of us had said anything during the drive. What is there to say in a situation like this? It will be okay? How does anyone know that. Are you okay? How is anyone meant to be okay after this. You just need time? Yeah and how much time will heart my heart that is on the floor in a billion pieces. There is nothing that can be said. No words will fix this hurt, no words will take away the pain.

Emily grabs Malia from the back seat as I unlock the front door, both of us walking up to the bedroom in silence. Thankfully Malia is a sleep, so Emily places her in the crib before curling up in the bed. I get in beside her, snuggling into her and wrapping my arms around her shaking body.

"I can't face his room Lauren" Emily says to me as she rolls to far me. "I can't, I'm not strong enough" She says right before she breaks down in my arms.

"I'll get Jill to do it okay" I say tightening my arms around Emily body. Jill was the only one not as close to this, I knew she would have the strength to tidy up Luca's room and help the nurse remove all the machines.

Ali's P.O.V

After sorting a few things out at the hospital with Sophia and JJ, our broken hearted group heads back to the house. Walking inside all I can hear is my heart pounding against my chest at a fast pace. I climb the stairs, my legs are week and I feel like collapsing in a heap, but I need to check on my best friends, so I force myself to keep move, putting one foot infront of the other. Finally I am standing in the doorway of Lauren and Emily's room.

They are asleep but by there tear stained cheeks I can tell they only feel asleep because there body's were so exhausted by the ammount of tears they had sheed. I turn to my left and see Sohpia beside me, her hand over her heart as more tears trickle down her already damp cheeks. I grab her hand and pull her into the room. Right now we need each other.

I help her climb into bed next to Emily watching her wrap an arm around her sister. I walk to the other side of the bed and slip down next to Lauren, draping my arm across all of the girls as we snuggle together.

"We can't leave them" I hear Alex say, before the mattress behind me dips and I feel her arm drap across me.

"We never will" I say back to her. I use my free hand to hold Alex's as I pull her a little closer. Thankfully Emily and Lauren had invested in a bed that covers the length of one wall. The reason they had done it was because when both kids were in the bed, they would spread out and would normally kick Lauren and Emily out of the bed.

Tobin's P.O.V

Christen and I were the last to arrive back at the house. I wasn't ready to be in the house again, but Christen made me realise that right now our family needs us. We weren't as close to Luca as the other girls, so I knew that we needed to be the strong ones. The one's to support our broken friends.

I walk into the house, walking up the stairs hand in hand with Chris. Both of us stopping at Emily and Lauren's door. All the girls cuddled on the bed.

Steph, Kelley, Alex, Ali, Lauren, Emily, Sophia, JJ and Mal. I decide not to join them because one there is no room left and two, it didn't feel right. I need to ne awake and help out in other ways. Leading Chris back down stairs I pull out my phone and start calling everyone's coaches. We may be in the off season right now, but I don't see any of these girls leaving here to go back to there clubs in 2 months time for training.

A/N: Another update for you guys, I hope you like it, sorry for it being so grim this far. I promise it wont be like this the whole book x

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