Christen & Tobin

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This past year has been such a weird one for Christen, she was playing away from her bestfriend Julie which was a really big adjustment at first. Thankfully though she finally warmed up to her new home in Houston.

She hasn't started of the season well, in only her second game she broke her foot and was out for half the season, but during her time off she got to spend time with Tobin which was amazing for the both of them. She also got to stop in and see Sophia and JJ.

Once she was finally able to get back out onto the pitch she couldn't have been happier. She hated not playing. Soccer was her life. She even helped her team make the final this weekend.

"Hey babe" Christen says to Tobin who walks into the lounge room. Tobin had come to stay with Christen until after the final.

"Hey beautiful" Tobin smiles leaning down and kissing her girlfriend before sitting beside her on the couch.

Tobin and Christen were aware of what was happening back in Portland, but because Christen was in the finals they tried there hardest not to think about it. Trying to stay focused on the final and they could then go back to Portland and support there family.

Christen and Tobin are so much stronger in the relationship now. They have but everything in the past and started fresh, which is what lead them  to have the healthy and happy relationship they have together now. They would both truthfully admit that in the beginning things between them where difficult. Christen had to learn to trust Tobin all over again and Tobin had to prove worthy of the trust.

But now they were good and solid, from an outside prospective you never would even be able to tell that the girls had once shared a very unhealthy relationship together. But with the help of there friends and counselling the girls where able to move forward.

"Lauren called me" Tobin says her eyes on the TV screen. "It wasn't good news, most of the girls are going to support them tomorrow" Tobin bit the inside of her cheek, she was in two minds. A part of her wanted to be back in Portland supporting her two bestfriends the other part of her wanted to stay and support Christen for the final.

"You should be there babe, Emily and Lauren need you more then I do" Christen says cupping Tobin's face in her hands to make her girlfriend loom at her.

"I want to be there babe, but I know that I'll need support to, so i think its best we just wait till after the final"

Tobin knew that all the girls would have there partners there for support and she knew that she would need Christen there to support her if she broke down which she expected she more then likely would.

"Are you sure babe, I don't want you to regret not being there" Christen says her voice filled with worry. Tobin leant forward and captured her girlfriends lips with her own, to reasure her that she wouldn't regret this dission.

The room fell quiet after they pulled apart neither of them wanting to discuss the issue any further. Neither could wrap there head around the news they had recived two or so weeks ago. When Tobin had heard the news she started questioning her faith, why would god let something like this happen to such an amazing family. Why would god throw so much at one person who was already near breaking point.

Tobin wasn't as concered for Lauren as she was for Emily. The girl had been through enough in her life and now her life was crashing around her once again and Tobin was terrified she wasn't going to be strong enough to survive this time.

"Lets go for a walk babe" Christen says grabbing her girlfriends hand in her own. She could see Tobin's mind flooding with thoughts, she knew how worried she was and she needed to distract Tobin.

They took a walk around the streets of Christen's neighborhood, not a word was said as they walked in a comfortable silence. They let themselves enjoy each others presence. Wondering around hand in hand, the fresh air cooling there bodies as the sun beamed down on them.

Not everything in there world was going right, but at least they had each other to face the challenges together.

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