I Love You

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JJ woke up feeling tired and overwhelmed. Crying herself to sleep the night before probably didn't help any. Rolling over her eyes barely open, she felt the pillow beside her, she could tell it hahadn't been slept on. Opening her eyes completely she finds a letter and a rose. It immediately brought a smile to her lips, even though a part of her wished it hadn't.

She sat herself up in the bed and got comfortable before reading it. The letter brings tears to her eyes as she reads it. "Babe?" She calls out after finishing reading. But gets no response. Pulling off the blankets she gets up and wonders out of the room and into the kitchen/dinning area. Sophia no where to be found. Only a letter on the table.

Hey babe,
I didn't want to leave until you woke up, but if I hadn't left I would have been late to my appoitment. Breakfast is in the oven.
I love you.

P.S I cooked and didn't burn the house down! Success!!

JJ can't help but laugh at the last part of the note. Pulling out her phone she messages Sophia.

To My Baby - I'm proud of you for going.... oh and not burning down the house. I love you! X

JJ ate the meal Sophia had cooked and was actually pretty surprised that it tasted good, before getting ready for her run. When she got home to an empty house an hour later she started to panic. Sophia should have been home by now, pulling her phone from her pocket. No missed calls, No messages.

Tapping on Sophia number she brought the phone to her ear, but it went straight to voice mail. JJ couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right. Searching the house she finally finds the number of the psychologist Sophia would have booked in with.

"Hi I was just wondering if Sophia sage was still there?"

"May I ask who's calling?" The lady on the other end of the line asks.

"My name's Julie I'm Sophia's girlfriend, I thought she would have been home by now, so is she still there" Julie's voice is full of panic, the worry building more and more.

"She left about an hour ago" The lady informs her. The Psychologists office was only 15 minutes away and that was with traffic. Julie says a quick thank you before hanging up the phone and running out to the car. She drove around for hours, taken every route she could think of between the house and the office. Praying to see Sophia. Pulling over to the side of the road she tries Sophia phone again. Finally getting a dial tone.

"Hey babe, where are you?" Sophia answers. JJ breaths a sigh of relief before anger takes over.

"Where am I? Where the fuck have you been?" She yells. "I was worried sick and have been driving around everywhere looking for you" JJ was yelling so loud that Sophia had to hold the phone away from her ear.

"I'm so sorry babe, my phone died so i could order an uber so I just decided to walk home" Sophia explains. "I'm really sorry baby I never meant to scare you"

JJ leans back in her seat staring at the roof of her car trying to calm down her heart rate. "I need a minute, I'll see you when I get home" Julie says before hang up. She drove around aimlessly for 30 odd minutes before finally pulling into the drive way of there house.

"Hey Babe" Sophia almost cowed when JJ walked in. Julie just walked straight up to her and wrapped her arms around her.

"Please don't ever scare me like that again" She pleaded. Sophia held the blonde close. Trying to reasure JJ with the embrace.

"I promise" Sophia whispered out.

For the girls the afternoon was pretty uneventful. They spoke about how Sophia's appointment went, why JJ panicked so much and what they could do to work on there relationship moving forward. Both of them agreed that they wanted this relationship, that they wanted to work things out so they could live a happy, long life together. But both of them knew to do that things needed to change.

Finally they came up with a plan. Sophia and JJ would see a Psychologist separately once a week for the next month, so they could take what they learned in there sessions and try and apply it to there lives. If that did seem to help with the relationship they would try couple councilling on top of.

At first Sophia had taken all the blame, said that it was 100% her fault for everything, but JJ knew that wasn't the case. It takes two to tango and the blonde knew within herself that she needed to work on things as well, so the arguments wouldn't get so out of control. She needed to learn how to deal with the sadness she had been burying down all these months, just so she could stay strong for Sophia. Both of them needed to take care of themselves to take care of each other.

"Have you told Em's your seeing someone about everything?" JJ ask as she cooks dinner, Sophia sitting at the island cutting onions.

"No, and for now I won't. We grew up thinking you were weak if you went and spoke to a psychologist, so I don't want to tell her in case so has a bad reaction and talks me out of it" Sophia admitted. "Plus I'm doing this for myself and for us. It has nothing to do with Emily" JJ turns to give Sophia a huge smile and a kiss, one session and the blonde could already see a difference in her girlfriend.

"I'm proud of you" The blonde admits before going back to stirring the stew. "Did you speak to your psychologist about your childhood and stuff?"

"Not really I mentioned it but she said that we need to work on one thing at a time otherwise we will only be putting a bandaid on my wounds" Sophia says with a shrug of her shoulders.

"That makes sense" JJ nodded. The conversation ended after that. The girls deciding to change the subject to something a little more light hearted as they ate dinner together, before switching there phones off and sitting down for a movie night, snuggled together on the couch.

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