New Beginnings

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To say life is unexpected, is a complete an utter understatement!

Lauren was surprised how well her first week was going. Everything just seemed to click, she got on with all the couching staff and the whole team, Malia's child care center was just perfect and Lauren and Ali had already found a 4 bedroom town house, that wasn't to big, but wasn't so small that they would be in each others faces all the time.

Ali was just as happy with Utah as Lauren, they lived only 10 minutes away from the training facilities, she fit it so well, which wasn't a surprise consider Kelley and Becky where with her in the back line, she kept up with all the training, which actually surprised her considering just how much she partied while staying with Kyle and for the first time in a long time she was happy with every aspect of her life.

Emily was still in Portland and feeling extremely lonely and stressed, but yet she was overly excited for her new start, the only reason she was so stressed was because she had to pack most of the house up herself. She would be leaving in 5 days time to start the 13 and a half hour drive in a u-haul and of course she was lonely not having her daughter or Lauren around the house anymore, it was quiet and for the fact that Emily grew up with Sophia, she wasn't use to quiet and actually hated it.

The girls couldn't wait to be together again, every night on the phone all Lauren, Ali and Emily seemed to talk about was the fact they would be under the same roof again. For Lauren hearing Emily be excited about something warmed her heart, after Luca had passed away Lauren watched as the bubbly Emily faded away completely, but every night she could see that side of Emily coming back.

"So have you guys decided on when you're getting married?" Ali asked Lauren, they are currently sitting around there new dinning room table, with Kelley and Becky.

"Honestly we haven't spoken about it, since before Luca got sick" Lauren replies honestly. Of course she wanted to be married to Emily and she couldn't wait to start planning the wedding, but she also knew that Emily may not be ready for that just at the moment.

"You guys will be together forever, so you guys got time" Kelley said through a mouthful of food, making Becky scold her.

"Do you guys want more kids?" Becky asked before taking a bit of the spaghetti meatballs, Lauren cooked for dinner.

"Both of us wanted at least 3 kids, 5 max. But I think for now we need to focus on the family we have and our career" Lauren said with a smile.

"I think that's a good idea, you don't want to put extra pressure or stress on yourselves if you don't need to" Becky said with a nod of her head.

"Complete change of subject, but what you think about Chris joining the team?" Kelley asked, this time having the manners not to speak with a mouth full of food.

"I will admit that I didn't see it coming, but I think it will be good for her, she would prefer to play stateside" Lauren informs them, she had helped Tobin come to terms with the fact her girlfriend would be in another country.

The girls spent the whole night talking about everything and anything, it felt amazing for all the girls because it reminded them of all the girls nights they use to have while away at Camp.

After the Becky and Kelley left though, Lauren couldn't help but think about there conversation over dinner. Her and Emily hadn't even mentioned the wedding, Lauren couldn't even be sure that it was still happening.

"What you thinking about?" Ali asks seeing Lauren staring off into nothing, as she relaxed on the back patio.

"Do you think Emily still wants to get married?" Lauren mumbled.

"Of course she does, you guys have had a really rough time the last year, a wedding wasn't the first priority" Ali says, she completely believed that in time Emily and Lauren would be walking down the isle. "If you're really worried Lauren, talk to Em's. You're both in a good place now, it might be a good time to have the conversation" Ali shrugged.

"I don't want her to think I'm pushing her" Lauren admits. She couldn't wait to marry Emily and when E.ily proposed, they planned to marry in the first 12 months and that hadn't happened.

"You're not dragging her to the courts Lauren" Ali let out a little laugh. "It's just a conversation, just call her, it will put you at ease" Ali says grabbing Lauren's phone she pressed Emily's number before handing the phone to her bestfriend.

"Hey babe" Emily answered almost immediately.

"Hey baby" Lauren said back, glaring slightly at Ali, who just laughs and walks inside.

"Are you okay babe, you sound a little off?" Enily asked as she layed herself out on the bed, that was now way to big for just her. Lauren sighed before deciding it was now or never.

"Kelley and Becky came over for dinner, they brought up our wedding" Lauren paused. Emily didn't say anything, she knew Lauren was figuring out what to say next. "I didn't know what to tell them, are we still getting married?" Emily sat straight up in the bed shocked.

"Of course we are baby, I can take you to the court house as soon as I land and we can get married if you want. I love you Lauren and I want to spend my whole life with you" Emily said down the phone, hoping that even though she could show Lauren how much she meant her words, that Lauren would at least be able to tell how genuine she was being through her tone.

"No baby" Lauren said with a sigh a relief. "I guess I was just worried that with everything that has happened that maybe you didn't want to anymore and I would like a wedding" Lauren adds the last bit with a laugh.

"Losing Luca put pause on our life for a long time baby, but I still want to marry you and if you want a wedding then that's what will happen, we can start planning when we are completely settled in Utah if you like?"

"I like the sound of that" Lauren admitted with a smile.

Ali had been right, Lauren never needed to be scared or nervous about the conversation, Emily had been beyond loving, the whole talk she reassured Lauren that she still wanted to be married and that, that had never changed. Ali was quiet proud of herself that night.

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