What a Wedding!

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Things between Emily and Lauren where pretty much back to normal. Though life was beyond hectic. They both had there careers, then they had the wedding and then on top of that they had found a sperm donor and Lauren's first IVF treatment was scheduled for the day after Emily and Ali had to leave for US camp.

But today the biggest thing, was that in 18 hours time they would be walking down the Isle to say 'I Do'

"I love you" Emily says hugging Lauren tightly at the door. Both of the girls wanted to keep it a little formal, so Lauren would be going to stay in an apartment they had rented with Ali, Amy and Tobin her bridesmaids. While Emily stayed home with Alex, Kelley, Sophia and Malia, and of course JJ.

"I love you to baby" Lauren was nervous. Tonight would be the first night she'd spent away from Malia, but she was also really looking forward to having a girls night with bubbly and laughs.

"I'll see you tomorrow" Emily smiled. They embraced each other one last time before Emily watch Lauren and Ali get in an uber and disappear down the darkening street.

The plans for the night where pretty simple, 1. Put Malia to bed. 2. Gets Pizza. 3. Start drinking. Thankfully putting Malia to bed, and deciding what pizza to get was easy, but when Kelley and Alex came back from the bottle'o with 2 cartons of beer, a bottle of champagne and two bottles of Vodka. Emily became scared. She didn't want to get sloshed, she had to be up for Malia and she also had to be fresh for the wedding.

"Don't look so scared, we are having a few other people over" Kelley laughs after seeing Emily's concerned look.

Within an hour, Emily and Laurens back yard was starting to fill up. Mal had arrived bring Horan, Becky had come with her partner, Even Jill turned up with her wife Betsy.

The night for Emily was actually running smoothly even with all the unexpected guests. But the same couldn't be said for Lauren. It had started off really well, the girls getting massages, then got there nails done all while enjoying some beautiful champagne. But as they got further into the bottle everyone noticed a change in Tobin. Checking her phone every 2 seconds, not joining in on conversation, something was wrong.

"Tobs?" Ali questioned. Tobin looked up then back down at her phone.

"Chris sent me this" Turning her phone around she showed Ali a text message. 'Please just stop, what happened last week was a mistake. I love Tobin and I want to be with her' Ali's heart sunk for Tobin. In a blink of an eye 1 accidental text could ruin everything.

"Tobs I am so sorry" Ali says giving Tobin back her phone before resting her hand on Tobin's knee.

"I asked her what see meant, but she didn't answer. I tried calling but it rings once or twice before she hangs up" Lauren could hear the heartbreak in Tobin's voice as she walked into the room. Lauren and Ali shared a look before Ali grabbed Tobin's phone gently, whispering 'I'm just gonna show Lauren okay' Tobin didn't resist, she just nodded, planning with her nails in her lap. Lauren managed to hold in her gasp before handing the phone onto Amy and pretty much running to Tobin's side.

With out anyone realising Amy screenshotted the message and sent it to herself before handing the phone back. "I'm just gonna call the boys. I love you tobs" Amy excused herself from the room and went out on the balcony. She called Emily. Amy couldn't shake the feeling that all this could mess with Tobin's sobriety. In the end she seemed to get clean for Christen.

"Hey Amy everything alright?"
"Hey Em's not really, I just sent you a screenshot, check it" the was a bit of silence on the other end before Amy hear a 'What the fuck' in the back ground.
"Is Tobs okay?"
"Honestly I don't know. I'm worried this will send her backwards with her sobriety, what's making it worse is that now Christen isn't even replying"
"I'll speak with JJ, maybe she can get through to Christen. I'd come over and help Amy, but I've put Tobin before Lauren before and it didn't end well" Amy nodded, she knew tomorrow was there big day and how important it was to Lauren that they not see each other tonight, to make tomorrow even more special, she was just so concerned that Tobin would end up using again.
"I'll keep an eye on Tobs tonight, but please try and get JJ to make Christen speak with her"
"I'll do my best, see you tomorrow Amy" Emily says before hanging up.

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