Trouble in Paradise

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"Babe you need to calm down" JJ begged her girlfriend. For the last 15 minutes she has watched Sophia scream and yell at her sister over the phone and now 5 minutes later she's still screaming and yelling even after Emily hung up.

"Don't tell me to calm down" Sophia screamed. "How is it okay that I was the last one to fucking know!?!?" Emily had only just informed Sophia of her transfer to Utah, Sophia was pissed off because Emily had just landed and had known for weeks and not said a word.

"Not everyone new babe, I didn't, Chris, Alex and Tobin only found out yesterday because she saw the house packed up" Julie tried to reason. Sophia just rolled her eyes. She hadn't felt so disconnected from her sister before and that's what was really bothering her. They spoke maybe once a week now and Sophia know longer even knew what was going on in her sister's life.

"Why isn't she talking to me" Sophia said before bursting into tears. Ever since they were little Sophia and Emily had been best friends, they told each other everything and could hardly spend a day apart, but now they were living across the country from each other and only saw each other after games if there teams versed or if they were at camp.

Julie wrapped her girlfriend in a hug and sighed, she knew Emily wasn't purposely shutting Sophia out, but she was also so angry that Emily had caused Sophia so much pain.

After crying in Julie's arms, Sophia calmed herself down enough, to try calling her sister again, this time she was going to be honest about her feelings, but speak calmly so her older sister might actually listen.

"If you're going to yell at me again, I will hang up" Emily answered.

"I'm not going to yell, but you do have to realise that you hurt me Emily, I spoke to you 3 days ago and you didn't say anything to me about it" Sophia explains.

"I tried to tell you Sophia, but you were to busy venting to me about the stupid fight you and JJ had" Emily grumbled. Sophia stays quiet, realizing that her sister was right, the whole conversation was about her and it wouldn't have been a good time for Emily to tell her that news.

"I just miss you" Sophia said in defeat. "I miss seeing you every day, talking to you every day, going out with you. I just miss you" The tears started again, but this time not as heavy, it was hard for Sophia to accept that there lives had set them in different directions.

"I miss you too and I am sorry I have been so distant. I really am" Emily sighs. "I have been trying to deal with everything in my own way and I guess shutting off was the easiest. I shouldn't have pulled away and I'm sorry. I love you and I promise to make more of an effort, but  you are able to call me too you know"

"Okay I'll put in more effort too"

The girls spoke a little longer about how they were going to work on there relationship, before they said there goodbyes.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you" Sophia said to JJ who was now in the kitchen preparing dinner.

"I get that you were mad, but it wasn't my fault Soph" Julie sighed. They had hit a slight rough patch in there relationship as of late, they seemed to argue a lot and it was probably because Sophia couldn't stop going on about how much she hated Chicago and wanted to transfer. For JJ Chicago had become her home, she loved it even with Rory being an asshole.

"I know and I'm sorry, I haven't really been dealing with my emotions very well. I think everything is just getting on top of me a little bit" Sophia sighed as she sat at the bench.

"Maybe you should think about talking to someone then Soph, because you can't keep exploding like this it's not healthy"

"Okay" Sophia grumbled getting frustrated again, she didn't want to get help and she was annoyed that JJ wanted her too. "I'm going for a jog" Julie rolled her eyes and through her hands up in the air. How is it that Sophia is pissed off again.

"Dinner will be on the table when you get back" Julie snapped, before the front door slammed. The blonde finished cooking, placing a plate on the table for Sophia then going into the room to eat her own dinner, she was going to avoid her girlfriend for the rest of the night, she wasn't up for an argument.

Just as Julie finished her last bite of food, her phone rang. Lauren's name popping up on her screen.

"Hey Lauren" JJ answered trying to sound as bubbly as possible.

"You don't have to pretend with me JJ" Lauren states seeing right through her fake happy tone. "Want to talk about it?"

"I just don't know what to do anymore, I feel like everything I say or do, upsets her" The blonde admits.

"You guys have just hit a rough patch that's all, I am sure you will be fine. Emily is talking to Sophia now, hopefully when she comes home, you guys can talk"

"I don't want to talk. I am so over all the arguing Lauren, it's all we seem to do lately, she's angry all the time" Julie grumbled starting to get frustrated herself.

"I think you guys need to talk, but you have to be ready for that" Lauren states, not really sure what else she should say.

"I got to go Lauren" Julie says hearing the front door. "Soph just got home" They said goodbye for the blonde hung up and through her phone to the other side of the bed. Grabbing the remote she pressed play on her Netflix's movie and got herself comfortable again.

It was 2 hours before Sophia felt brave enough to walk into the bedroom, to find the blonde half asleep. Which for Sophia turned into a good thing, because she came up with an idea which seemed way better then talking. Walking back out of the bedroom, she grabbed a pen and a couple of bits of paper and sat down at the table.

Dear Julie (my heart)

I am so so sorry with how I have been treating you lately. It's not okay and I should have realised it sooner. I have booked an appointment in to see a counselor to help with my emotions. Straight after training tomorrow will be my first appointment.

I know this letter wont be enough to make up for everything that I have said and done, but I hope that it will at the very least show you I am taking a step in the right direction.

I love you Julie Beth Johnston. You are my everything and I can't imagine not having you by my side through this crazy thing called life. You are my light in my darkest hours, my sun on the rainiest of days and my strength when I am weak. You bring a smile to my face every day and I can't believe just how lucky I am to have you as my girlfriend.

I love you baby so so much. I hope you can forgive me xx

Sophia folded up the note and then went out to the front garden with some scissors, she had to walk 5 houses down the street, but finally she found a beautiful red rose. Crouching down she quickly cut the rose from the bush and bolted home, because she didn't want to get caught.

Grabbing the note from the table she continued to the bedroom. With a smile she placed the rose and note on her side of the bed, for the blonde when she woke. Before leaving the room, Sophia lent down and placed a loving kiss on Julie's forehead "I love you" she whispered.

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