Truth Time

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Emily; "What do I do about fans after the games?"

Lauren; "I think it's best for now if you try your best to just keep your distance, just until you are ready to face the questions"

Emily's P.O.V

I listen to what Lauren had said and I agreed with her, so after the first season game, instead of join my team after the game to sign things for fans, I snuck off into the locker room. I still wasn't completely sure if I was ready for all the questions. So playing it safe was my best option. Or so I thought.

The second game of the season was a little more successful for us as a team. We didn't win, but the draw was better then a second loss. I managed a shot from 25 out. Honestly I couldn't believe it went in. I just looked up realised I didn't have any support and a whole back line to try and take on myself, so I looked back at the ball and snapped it. But even with that goal, my performance wasn't the greatest. I took 6 shots on goal and only 2 where on target. I feel like it's very unlike me. Usually I am good enough to have 60% of my shots on target. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, my mind isn't completely back on the game yet.

After the game, I went straight to the locker rooms again. Thankfully so do most of my team mates, because this was an away game against Carolina Courage, there wasn't much reason for us to stay behind. But getting home the next day, seeing Lauren's worried eyes. I suddenly regretted keep my mouth shut.

"I think you need to read this" Lauren said as she handed me the tablet. I knew whatever I was about to see wasn't going to be good, considering this was the first time I had come home and been handed something other then Malia. I took a deep breath in before looking down to see the artical, with a title that's shocked me.

Emily Sage Snubs Fans!
Two games in a row and poor fans are feeling hurt and rejected. Fans believe that now Emily has made a name for herself, with the US women national team and Portland, that she is now to important for fans.

"This is all such crap" I said before throwing the tablet on the couch beside me, rubbing my hands over my face I let out a frustrated sigh.

"I know that, but I read some of the comments and fans are starting to really believe, that you think you're better then everyone else" Lauren said to me, her tone said but almost firm.

"I have to release a statement, don't I?" I ask more then state. Lauren just nods giving me a sad look. "Okay" I sigh, pulling my phone from my pocket I find a picture of Luca, then go to my Instagram.

 "Okay" I sigh, pulling my phone from my pocket I find a picture of Luca, then go to my Instagram

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I wasn't sure if I was ready for the world to know, but I have decided that it is time. 3 months ago I lost my son Luca to cancer. I was heart broken and that's why I was away for a little while. I needed to focus on my family and myself for a little while. I know that after games I shouldn't have ignored fans, but I was scared and not ready for the question I'm sure you all have. I hope that you can forgive me and respect my privacy about the matter. I'm sorry to all my fans and I love you xx

I let Lauren read over it before I post it, I was sure to turn of the comments as I didn't want to hear what everyone had to say about the revelation. I just hoped that it would help, make my fans realise that I don't at all think I am better then anyone.

"I'm sorry you had to do this before you were ready" Lauren states, before wrapping me in her arms. Now that it was out I knew I would be asked about it. It was a journalists job to get answers, even if that meant stepping on toes.

"I don't think I ever would have been ready" I say with a deep sigh. "I have a bad headache, I'm going to go lay down" I tell Lauren before getting up and dragging myself up to my room.

Lauren's P.O.V

It's been two weeks Emily put up the post about Luca and her social media has been blowing up. So to try any calm things down and get Emily focus on foot again, Mark is making Emily sit down for a press conference. She's not happy about it, but Mark didn't really give her an option.

"What was the cause of your son's illness?" One reporter asked.

"Luca had cancer" Emily responds simply, she didn't want the world to know every single detail and I agreed with her on that.

"Did he suffer?" Another reporter asked.

"Treatment takes a toll on the body" Emily bluntly replies. I can see in her eyes how detached from her emotions she is becoming. I have only ever once seen her do this, over a year ago when her mother showed up to one of our camps.

"Are you going to try for another child?" I was so shocked by the question and I could see anger burning in Emily's eyes, her fist clenching closed on top of the table. I could tell she was digging her nails into her palm, she told me once that she has done that since she was a kid, that it would help her calm down.

"What exactly is that question meant to imply?" Emily asks staring coldly at the reporter.

"Are you and Lauren going to try for another son?" The report answers, I rolled my eyes.

"If Lauren and I decide to have another child, that will be between her and I" Emily states, shutting the Male reporter down.

"Is the reason that he passed, because it was caught to late, did you not see signs" A reporter standing at the back of the room yells.

"No" Emily yells and gets to her feet. "I'm done with your questions" She says before walking of the small stage, I try to hug her as she walks off, but she brushes past me and heads down the hall, her fist meeting the wall. A fist sized hole left behind.

I turn to look at Mark, glaring at him. I was so angry that he hadn't tried even slightly to protect Emily up there. "I hope your happy" I grumble, before taking off after Emily.

It took me over an hour to find her, when I did she was laying on her back in the middle of the training field, staring up at the ceiling. I walked over to her and layed down beside her, my right hand grabbing her left hand.

"I love you" Is all I can think to say. I have learnt over our relationship, that when Emily is mad or upset, she doesn't like to talk about it, she likes to shut off for a little while and just try and process her thoughts.

"I think I want to transfer" she tells me. I was surprised, up until this moment Emily hasn't even hinted that she no longer wanted to be in Portland, but I really shouldn't be that surprised, we still couldn't go into Luca's room and everytime we walked passed the closed bedroom door, tears would sting our eyes. Maybe a fresh start was what we needed. "Utah want me" She adds, this time I look at her.

"So you've been thinking about this for a while?"

"No, but Utah sent me an offer, the want me during the midseason transfers" She explains, turning her head to look at me. "It's a good offer, they even sent me a draft contract and after what happened today, I want to be anywhere but where Mark is" I nod. Coaches are meant to protect there players from stuff like this, but Mark didn't even bother, in reality he set this all up in the first place.

"We can look over it together if you like?" Emily just nods before looking back up at the roof.

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