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R/G = Random Girl

Third-Person P.O.V

Valentine's Day. A day dedicated to couples, romance, pink, white, red, roses, and romance. Y/N never understood why people love valentine's day. All valentine's day did was reveal who had a crush on who, and made single people feel bad because everyone else around them was dating, smiling and cheerfully spending their day with their significant other. Y/N was the type of person that just gave out Valentines to her friends, and didn't celebrate that much. Some others, such as R/G, would throw a house party and invite all her friends, hang out, etc. Y/N sighed and looked at the clock on the classroom wall. 10 minutes before lunch. Thank goodness.

Ms. Yuri looked at them and sighed. She began to hand out the tests and when she put Y/N's test down on her desk, she put it face down.

Uh oh. Y/N thought.

Y/N flipped the paper over and her heart sunk. On the paper, there was a bright red marking at the top that said, C-. Y/N's heart felt heavy. She felt terrible. It was valentines day, and dispite that, she had gotten another terrible grade. The bell rang and everyone filed out of their classrooms, along with Y/N who trudged out of the classroom with a heavy heart.

-Time Skip-

Y/N sighed and headed to where all her friends met up to eat lunch everyday. She sat down at the table and began to eat her lunch, (Favorite Meal/Desert/Food.) As she ate, B/F/N came to their table and sat down, along with (Friend), (Friend), and (Friend).

[A.N: You may add more friends if you want]

They all began to hand out valentines to each other, smiling and laughing at all the stupid and funny gag gifts that they had gotten each other. As they laughed and made funny puns, (Random Boy) walked by and stopped in front of their table.

"Hey... B/F/N... I got this for you." He handed B/F/N a box of chocolates.

B/F/N grinned. "Thanks!" They began to talk and laugh, then headed off to someplace else.

Y/N's friends all started to leave for other people, and soon, Y/N was alone. She sighed. It seemed as if everyone else had someone that liked them, except her. Then again, her true love was food. The other other person she liked just a little bit other than her food, was C/N. His C/H/C, his C/E/C, and every other feature of him was just perfect. He was the only person Y/N wanted a valentine from. But she knew this wasn't going to work. Her crush was on another level than her! Why would she even bother dreaming?

-Time Skip-

Y/N sighed and began to walk to her house. There was a path through the back of the school that most people went through. Y/N usually walked though the front of the school, but she knew that all of the couples would walk though the front of the school, so she decided to walk through the back of the school. She slipped into the pathway that cut through a neighborhood, and walked down the long alley, alone. Y/N felt a droplet of water on her cheek, so she looked up and saw that droplets of rain were beginning to pelt down to the ground. Y/N sighed. Everything was going wrong for her today. First she had gotten a terrible grade on her test, and now, it was raining and she would walk home, backpack, clothes, everything drenched. This was a terrible day for her. All of the couples and friends all shielded each other from the rain, laughing as they ran past Y/N, who was walking slowly. Their feet splashed up a puddle, drenching Y/N's jeans. Y/N sighed and watched all of the people go by, splashing her. She didn't know if she was jinxed or just unlucky. Y/N sighed and sat down on the curb, watching the rain fall in front of her, feeling the cold rain seep through her skin and clothes. She sighed and breathed slowly, thinking, Everything will pass. Stay strong.

Y/N sat on the curb, alone, curled up into a ball. She stayed there for what felt like an eternity, but she looked up when she felt the rain stop on her. She looked in front of her, and the rain was still falling, but why..?

Y/N looked up and saw C/N. He was wearing a blue shirt and jeans, black Vans shoes and his backpack. She was holding an umbrella over me, watching me.

"You.. okay?" He asked. He looked awkward, because one, the two of them hadn't really spoken before, and two, he didn't seem to have expected a girl curled up into a ball to be sitting on the sidewalk.

Y/N sighed. "Well... I..."

C/N looked at her questioningly. "Didn't school end like 30 minutes ago?"

Y/N nodded. "Yeah I suppose."

C/N tilted his head to the side. "Then why are you here?"

Y/N sighed. "I just... had a bad day."

C/N nodded. "Yeah... Well then, here." He handed her the umbrella and smiled. "Take it. My house isn't far."

Y/N blushed. "Thanks."

C/N nodded at her. Then he began to realize something and began to rummage in his backpack. He pulled out a pink-and-white bag and handed it to Y/N, smiling. "I was going to give this to you."

Y/N flushed a deeper crimson. "Thanks." She mumbled.

And just like that, he was off.

-Time Skip-

Y/N got home and took a shower. She changed into some comfortable clothes and flopped down onto her bed, and opened the bag that C/N had given her. Inside, was a (favorite color) teddy bear and a box of chocolates. There was a card at the bottom of the bag, so Y/N decided to read that first.

Dear Y/N,

Hey. I've been wanting to give you something like a cute gift for a while now. So I figured valentines day was the perfect day to do it! I wrote you a poem. Its really bad, but I tried right? Its called What am I. Its bad, but I tried.

What am I?

I question that everyday.

But I know

I am not real

I am fake

I am unwhole

You must find your missing piece they said

You must find what makes you whole

People find their passions

People find what they love to do

And I found my missing piece

And that's you.

With love, XOXO,



Okay I'm done. This time, I actually wrote that poem.




Happy Valentines Day!


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