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"Time for (Least favorite Subject). Aughhhh... The teacher doesn't even talk about the subject! The teacher just rambles on about how Einstein was a thinker! Does it matter?? I don't think so." Y/N grumbled to herself. 

Y/N sighed and entered the classroom. This class sucked. It was boring and nobody learned ANYTHING. The only upside to this class was that your crush was also in the class, which made it really hard to pay attention to the teacher. The class had just been boring in general, but ever since C/N had transferred to school, it had just gotten harder to pay attention. It really wasn't her fault, but Y/N just couldn't stop staring at him.

"ALRIGHT! PEOPLE! We are changing seats today!" The teacher, Mr. Olden, called. He began to call out names, pointing at desks. 

Y/N frowned. She had liked her seat, which had been at the very back, next to the window, where she could look at her phone or watch C/N in peace. Now, she was sitting two desks in front of him, but she didn't really mind. She wasn't at the front after all. 


Everyone pulled their journals from their backpack and began to write a response to the question, which was: Who is the preferred person you would like to work with?  

Y/N cocked her head to the side. Well this is a personal question... 

Not thinking much of it, Y/N filled out the question that the teacher had assigned to them. After she was done, she looked out the window of the classroom, waiting for the teacher to tell them to stop writing. 

------C/N POV----- 

C/N looked at the question on the board. Who is the preferred person you would like to work with?

Uh. Okay. He thought. 

His eyes darted to Y/N. The beautiful girl that he had been slightly- no, madly crushing on since the beginning of the school year. He had never really talked to her, since he was a hopeless case, but he wanted to. He blushed as he watched the beautiful girl look out the window, a wistful look in her eyes. 

"Dude. You're drooling." C/B/F said suddenly. 

I snapped back to my senses. Was I drooling? I wiped my mouth and realized C/B/F had been kidding. 


"Yeah. Drooling over Y/N." He said, smirking.

C/N rolled his eyes. "So what if I like her. She... what's not to like about her?" He looked at her longingly. 

C/B/F rolled his eyes and went back to answering the question. 

C/N looked down at his paper and sighed. Then, he wrote something that he hoped would come true.

I want to work with Y/N L/N. 

"Pass your papers forward and start reading chapter 8 section 1!" Mr.Olden called. 

Everyone in the class passed their papers forward. C/N could see that most people were trying to read what the others had put, so they could tease them about their selected partner.

C/N flipped his paper over and passed it forward. He watched Y/N take the papers and continue passing them forward, blushing slightly at her smile. He shook his head and forced himself to look away. 

Come on. You already wrote her name down, and if she figures that out, you'll be a stalker! C/N yelled at himself in his head.

Mr. Olden flipped through the papers and sat down at his desk. Everyone started to read quietly. I read the chapter, which was filled with boring and weird stuff. I sighed and finished, and watched Mr.Olden write stuff down on a piece of paper. A few minutes later, I figured out what he was doing. 

"Alright. Everyone put their books away. I am announcing a new project. It is a partner project, and we will be working in pairs. I have tried to match you up based on your wants, so here are the names:

Danica and Khan

Yoonji and Kim 

B/F/N and C/B/F

Lindsey and Annabell

Xander and Grace

Ariel and Alex

and C/N and Y/N.

Okay, everyone pair up with their selected partners and start looking at my website for the project." 

C/N AND Y/N??????????

Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait..... 







At this point, C/N was so happy he could sing. He was ecstatic. He tried to cool himself down and then headed to Y/N's desk, where she was sitting, a beautiful smile on her face.


C/N walked over to my desk. "Hey... Uhh... So... Did you take a look at this project thing already or what."

Y/N smiled. "Well I..."

Y/N and C/N started chatting, laughing as C/N made jokes and Y/N tried to get him to pay attention. The thing that kept getting at Y/N's mind was... well... C/N seemed to hate every other guy that was in the room. When another guy walked over to our table and started to kind of flirt with her, he would basically punch the dude away. 

Does he... like-

"I like you." C/N said. 

Right after his words, he slapped a hand over his mouth. The look on his face said, DID I FREAKING JUST- 

"You... Like... ME?!?" Y/N asked, her face red. 

"I, well- umm-" C/N stuttered. "Yes - I mean- no- I mean..."

Y/N blinked. "???"

C/N blushed. "Well... I actually like you. Secrets out then..."

Y/N blushed and looked away. "I.. um... like you too."

The two of them blushed madly and looked away from each other.



I am Author. I just wanted to write here that I will have another one-shot soon.

(Soon is a very long range though)

The concept is probably about rap battles

Because I have watched a lot of 'Epic Rap Battles of History' 

(and that parody thing)

Bai now.


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