I'll do anything for you...

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Have you ever heard of stories called things like: CrushXReader Fanfictions? You know those books? Well, I have. C/N C/L/N, the star athlete, popular kid knows a this type of book thats for insecure people. Why? Well. Lets see. 

I had been super insecure since the beginning of high  school. I had been worried about what people would think about him, what people would see him as, and what my reputation would be like. I had had a crush on this girl, Y/N since junior high, and I was thankful that she was going to the same high school. We had always been friends, but just friends. Nothing really had happened between us, and they had only seen each other in classes, not really outside of school.

We were opposites, C/N being the sporty type, who got straight A's but also had lots of sports he played in, like Basketball and Hockey. Y/N, on the other hand, was okay at sports, but was more of the person who preferred to look at their grades more than the extra curricular activities. 


I have a secret.






Yeah, I do. I read those books about IMAGINATION and things about imagines with your crush. Yeah, I read those. The only reason why, is because... well... I'm still super insecure inside. Sure, I might look all tough, popular, and perfect, and handsome or whatever, but I am still that shy, awkward, nervous guy that was in junior high. I still have a mega-crush on Y/N, and well... nothings changed, except my outer appearance. People might think that I have a perfect family, a perfect personality, or whatever, but truthfully... No. I'm just a fanficton loving nerd.

The bell rung for 10 minutes before school, and I hurried to class. The teacher thought I was a slacker and never really liked me, so might as well try and score some points by getting to class on time.

I got to class and sat down in my seat, opening my book and waiting for the teacher to announce what we were doing. That's when Y/N walked in. She seemed to move in slow-motion to me, her hair rustling in the wind, light hitting her (E/C) eyes. She was beautiful, wearing her uniform (Tidy or Sloppy). Everything about her was amazing... But unfortunately, I wasn't the only guy who thought so. 

"Hey Y/N..." Said (Boy Rival), smirking and slamming his palms on her desk. 

Y/N blinked. "Uhh.... Hi B/R...."

"You wanna ditch class? We can go down to the city and hang out..." 

Y/N shrugged. "If education is unimportant to you, sure. But education is important to me. So... thats a no."

"Aww. Come on. You know you want to..." 

"I said no B/R."

Meanwhile, I was watching. I was kind of jealous that B/R was confident enough to just walk up and talk to her, but on the other hand, he was basically getting rejected. That was good... right? I wasn't so sure. If this was a fan fiction, then at this point, there should have been a-

"What did you just say?" Y/N asked, her voice shaking with anger.

"Oh, you couldn't hear me. I said that your friends are all idiots and are lifeless dolls. Why do you even hang out with them? They are butt ugly and honestly, you are at a equal class to them, which is just disappointing. You are amazing by yourself. With your friends? No so much." B/R snarked. He rolled his eyes and laughed. "I bet you enjoy hanging out with them."

Y/N sat at her desk, quiet and angry. Tears streaked her face. And that's when I snapped.


B/R's head snapped around. "What?"

"I said. Shut. The. Hell. Up." I found myself standing right in front of him, nose-tonose with him.

B/R smirked. "Wow. Really nice comeback. Why are you defending her? Do you like her or something?"

"What if I do? What are you gonna do about it?" 

"Ohhhh.... So you do like her eh? Well... I'm sorry to tell you this, but that 'sweet, innocent act'? It's all fake. So cry a river, and-"

Before B/R could say anything else, I punched him. Square in the jaw. He stumbled backwards and glared.

"Oh you're gonna pay for that."

B/R and I started fighting. I threw a couple of punches and tackled him down, smashing him in the stomach and ribs with my knees and elbows. I couldn't hear anything, all I could see was him, the boy who had insulted Y/N. I knocked him onto a desk and started to punch his abdomen. I yelled at him every punch. 
















With that last punch, I knocked B/R out. He had a black eye and 2 bloody noses, his abdomen red and swelled. 

I turned around to see all of my classmates watching us. When I stepped towards them, they backed away, terrified. I turned to see Y/N rush at me.

"C/N! Are you okay? Oh my god, you're bleeding... We should go to the nurse, come on!" 

I smiled weakly. "You... You're okay right?"

"Me? Look at you! Just... Come on, we have to-" 

"Then I don't matter."

Everything went black.

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