Indie Games

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C/N was a boy who secretly developed an indie game on a website that was trending. Many people were having fun with the Indie game that he wanted to become a success.

The game was called: To the Place of Gods.

It was an Egyptian - based game, so C/N was almost always googling things about egypt, even the fact that some people in Egypt worshiped the goddess of love, with weird rituals with strange images. C/N was googling about the love goddess during lunch, when Y/N walked by and poked her head over his shoulder, witnessing the strange images that the rituals presented. 

She giggled. "Are you into those kinds of things C/N?"

C/N's face went red. "N-NO! T-THATS NOT-"

She grabbed the phone from his hand with a swish. "This is interesting..."

C/N made a desperate grab for the phone, but ended up running into his best friend who toppled backward and collapsed onto one of the lunch tables. C/N made another desperate attempt to grab his cell phone again, but Y/N giggled and moved out of the way. C/N sighed in frustration. 

"You're impossible."

"What is this anyway? Some kind of... weird birth ritual?"

B/F/N heard the words: Birth Ritual and looked up from her textbook. "What?"

C/N sighed. "Its a sacrifice to the egyptian goddess of love. Its for-" He caught himself. He didn't want Y/N thinking he was some weird nerd... "A school project."

"For History? Do you take AP classes or something?"

"No... Not AP, its just a class I'm taking.... O-online! Yeah, thats it. I take a history program online."

"And it assigns you projects?" 


"No, its a research paper." C/B/F/N interrupted. "He's just being an overachiever."

C/N breathed a sigh. C/B/F/N snatched C/N's phone away from Y/N and then the two of them walked away, C/B/F/N giving C/N skeptical looks. 

"What was that about?" C/B/F/N asked.

"Its... for my game. You know? The one about-"

"Egyptian gods and goddesses. Yeah. That."

C/N flushed. "I didn't want her to think I was some kind of nerd."

"Its too late kid." C/B/F/N shook his head. "You are already an incredible nerd."

C/N punched C/B/F/N on his shoulder and sighed. Maybe she did think he was a nerd. He didn't have a chance with her to begin with, so why not tell her how he really was and not some kind of made up person that he thought she would prefer? He shook his head and headed to his biology class, head heavy.

---Time Skip---

C/N opened his locker and pulled out his homework that he had shoved in the corner. He shoved the papers into his backpack and headed towards the east exit, where he usually met his ride home. He had received a text earlier that day that he wouldn't be picked up today, and that he should walk home. Of course, like the luck that he had, it was pouring outside. He didn't have an umbrella, so he walked through the pouring rain and headed home. His house was a good mile away, so he felt the cold, thick rain pour onto him, seeping into his clothes and socks, making him feel terribly cold and sick. He sighed as he finally arrived at his house. He was soaking wet, but he headed into his room and started up his desktop computer. He opened his coding file and began to code. He had thought up so many ideas during study hall, and already had written out the code that he needed for them. He hadn't always ben so prone to start coding as soon as he got home, but he would forget if he didn't do it any sooner. He smiled as he started coding, and when he was done, he fired up the game that he have currently made. It was already looking good, but the problem was... He couldn't create the sprites he needed to make the characters that he had made into... actual alive people instead of while circles. He needed to find an artist or one of his friends that knew how to draw characters and make them into the image that he wanted the characters to look like, instead of everything else. C/N head already modeled the environments with images from google, but the characters were a whole different story.

 While he thought of more ideas that he could put into his game, he went onto the website that he was using to promote his game, GameJolt. He had uploaded the game and some of his progress a long time ago, and some people had joined the server and began to give words of support. He had been happy with 2 or 3 followers, but he really wanted a higher community to promote his game, or try and create it into a real, actual game. He sighed and kept working, but he felt his eyes grow heavy, and he fell asleep on the computer desk, feeling terrible and exhausted. 

----At school----

C/N was talking to C/B/F/N about his game, when Y/N walked up to the pair and listened in on what they were saying. C/N didn't notice until C/B/F/N started giving a cryptic look that said: Sir. Look behind you.

"And I still need an artist that will model... Oh.. Hi."

"Gee, don't sound so excited."

"No- thats not what I-"

"So whats this about art? I can draw. If you need it anyway."

And thats how C/N found his artist. 

This is 901 words. So... I'm gonna make a part 2.

To the Place of Gods is a real game though, so make sure and support the creator of the game!



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