Behind the Scenes - Act II

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Previously, on Behind the Scenes, 

C/N walked out of the doorway and bumped into Y/N.

"Ah! Oh.. S..sorry." She mumbled, looking down at her feet.

"No problem."

She slipped past him and grabbed her backpack from the corner of the room. After grabbing her backpack, she hurried down the hallway and out the school doors.

C/N watched her run away. He wondered if that girl would ever talk to him without stuttering. 


On the Saturday after the first rehearsal, C/N headed to after school practice with C/B/F/N, who was studying his lines ferociously. Ms. Madoka, because of the clutch of time this year, said that they would start making costumes now, and building the set in the amphitheater. When C/N entered the room, (Rival's Name) and her friends were gossiping on the stage, while kids wearing black shirts with Stage Crew written on the back scurried around them, measuring their heights and tested fabrics around them. 

"C/N!" (Rival's Name) squealed, and hurried over to C/N. "Hey!"

"Hi." C/N bit his lower lip awkwardly. 

A stage crew member rushed up to C/N and began to compare fabrics against him. She measured and ran on and off, grabbing different patterns and colored fabrics. 

When the stage crew came up to him for the third time, passing (Rival's Name), (Rival's Name) fell over with a thud. "Ah!" She cried out. 

The stage crew member's eyes widened. "I'm so sorry! I-" 

"YOU DID THAT ON PURPOSE!!" (Rival's Name) screamed. 

"W-What?! I would never-" 



"STOP!" C/N yelled out. "(Rival's Name), I saw what happened, and- " 

(Rival's Name's) eyes watered. "I know! She bumped into me on purpose!" 

"(Rival's Name), stop lying. She didn't touch you."

(Rival's Name) began to cry. C/N rolled his eyes and walked over to the stage crew girl. "Keshia, is it?" 


"I'll help you find a fabric." C/N said, smiling. 

C/N and Keshia headed backstage to pick out a fabric, and (Rival's Name) stood up angrily. She growled angrily. (Rival's Name) had expected C/N to help her up and ask her if she was okay and protect her. But then, KESHIA had been all protective. She stormed off towards her friends to complain angrily.

Meanwhile, C/N was picking out fabrics that seemed to make a good school uniform that fit the characters personality, and the schools entire atmosphere. As he was running his finger down the rows and rows of colors and textures, he bumped into someone was doing the same. He stared down into deep (Your eye color) eyes. Y/N L/N stood there, her face slightly shaded pink.

"U..Um... Hi.." She said, smiling faintly.

"Hi." C/N replied, smiling. 

The two of them stood there, staring at each other, until C/B/F/N cleared his throat behind the two of them. 

"You two done?"

"H-huh..?" C/N asked, his face red. "Oh- uh... S..sorry."

Y/N's face was like a burning tomato.

-----------(6 Weeks of Rehearsal Later)-----------

(I'm too lazy to write 6 episodes of the story.) 

After weeks and weeks of rehearsal, the crew got all of the sets perfect, all of their lines memorized, and all of the costumes sewed perfectly. Soon, it was opening night for the play, and the play for the first night opened. Many people rushed into the amphitheater, buzzing with excitement, and the play began. 

"Lucas, just go talk to her!" 

"I know.. But...Xavier, its not that easy..."

"Yeah it is! Just walk up to her... And say HELLO." 

"I know... I just..."


During intermission, the stage crew rushed around, throwing people costumes, setting up the stage, and looking for actors. The only scene left was the final kiss scene, which (Rival's Name) had been bragging about all week. 

That was the one scene that C/N that had been not looking forward to the entire play. Biting his lower lip, C/N thought about what to do. 

Suddenly, a girl with brown-red hair darted onto the backstage room. "Guys! (Rival's Name) in throwing up in the bathroom! I don't think she's gonna stop!" 

Ms. Madoka's eyes widened. "Her understudy! Y/N! Where is she?!" 

"She's in the break room!" 

The cast ran into the break room to find Y/N, sipping a mug of (favorite drink).

"Y/N! We need you NOW!" 


"(Rival's Name) has food poisoning!" 


"What do you mean Oh, you have to get on the stage!"

All of the cast members desperately threw the costume onto Y/N, and tossed her into the left stage wing.

Intermission ends in 3 minutes. Please proceed to your seats in an orderly fashion.

Soon, in a blink of an eye, C/N and Y/N were both up on the stage, in costume, preforming the scenes. 

"Lu..Lucas.. I..." 

And C/N leaned in to kiss her. She looked incredibly nervous about it. So C/N pulled her back to the audience and preformed a stage kiss. The audience clapped loudly, and gave them a standing ovation. 


At the afterparty, everybody was having fun and drinking coke, eating pizza, and having fun. (Rival's Name) after some difficulty with indigestion, sat in the corner sipping tea that was good for digestion quietly. 

C/N and Y/N were sitting quietly on a bench outside, watching the stars quietly. 

"That was a fun play." Y/N said, smiling.


"Too bad (Rival's Name) didn't get that kiss she wanted." 


"Do you think she was jealous?"

"Yea- Wait what?"


"Are you saying that she would be jealous of our kiss?

"Um- I-" 

C/N leaned in towards her.

And under the stars, they shared a real kiss. Romantic, and perfect. 

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