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Y/N P.O.V.

"Y/L/N!!!" The teacher, Mrs.Will, yelled loudly.

Y/N snapped up. She had been sleeping in her chemistry class, which one, wasn't a good idea, and two, was something that most students did. 

"Y..Yes?" Y/N asked, still drowsy.


Y/N yawned and headed outside. She hated chemistry, because: 

1. The class only covered information that they had learned the year before

2. The teacher droned monotone, so there was no enthusiasm anywhere in the room. 

And, well, who likes school?!

-Time Skip-

Mrs. Will came outside and glared down at Y/N, looking at her as if she was a failure. 

"Miss Y/N. You have been doing this for a while now. I am tired of telling you to pay attention. However, you fail to listen. Come for after-school tutoring."

Y/N blinked. WHAT?! 

"Bu..but... I have activities! I have... (Other things you do outside of school)!" Y/N argued. "I have... that and more!" 

Mrs. Will shook her head. "We will have tutoring sessions until you learn how to pay attention in class." 

-Time Skip-

Y/N trudged to the chemistry lab after school. She was tired and didn't want to do anything.

Y/N entered the chemistry lab and sat down at her desk.

"Good. You're here." Mrs. Will gave her a worksheet. "Start off with this, it will help me know what you need help on."

Y/N sighed and began to do the worksheet. She finished quickly, and because Mrs.Will had left for coffee, she doodled on the desk.

Chemistry is boring.

Mrs. Will came back, and they continued the lesson.

-Time Skip-

Y/N began to enjoy the after-school lessons. It wasn't because chemistry had become interesting or fun, it was because there was someone writing back to her. When she had first doodled on the desk, she hadn't been expecting someone or anything to write back. But someone had. Soon, they were exchanging messages on a notebook that had been slipped inside the desk. 

(Your fake name): School is boring

(C/N's fake name): IKR!

(Your fake name): What are you in this class for?

(C/N's fake name): We have after-school detention in this room. Its really boring. 

(Your fake name): You have detention every day?  That's not right. 

The letters went on and on. However, the teacher, Mrs.Will had noticed that Y/N was paying attention in class. 

"Miss L/N, you have made excellent progress on paying attention. We shall stop these after-school lessons." Mrs. Will smiled.

Y/N nodded. She was feeling a bit disappointed however, because she couldn't write to (C/N's fake name) anymore. 

-C/N POV- 

C/N sighed. It had been a couple of days now, and (Your fake name) wasn't writing. He slumped down onto the desk. Something was empty inside. He had been looking forward to his month-long detentions just because of this (Your fake name). He hadn't realized that he had slowly been attracted to this letter writer, and no contact with her was weird. 

When dentention ended, C/N grabbed the notebook from out of the desk and walked out of the room. As he did so, someone crashed into him.

"WOAH!" C/N yelled, toppling over. 

The person he had bumped into had collapsed in front of him. "S..sorry! I was in a hurry." The girl said. She got up and ran to the desk C/N had just been sitting in. 

"Why isn't it here?" She mumbled.

She looked around the room then spotted C/N picking up the notebook.

"HEY! Th..That's mine!" The girl yelled. She charged at C/N.

"THE HELL?!" C/N yelled.

The girl tackled C/N like a football player. C/N and the girl toppled over and slammed into the bookshelf behind them. All of the books that were stacked on the bookshelf toppled over. The books toppled over and piled up onto the two of them.

"Augh... イエス・キリスト..." C/N mumbled.

[A.N: That was google translate. Don't judge me.]

"Mmm..." The girl mumbled.

Suddenly, she seemed to realize why she had tackled him in the first place. As C/N started to get up, the girl snatched the notebook that C/N had been holding.

C/N looked up. "That's mine."

"No. No no no no. That's mine."

The two of them argued for a minute. Then, C/N seemed to give up.

"Fine. I'll give you the notebook, but you have to tell me who(Your fake name) is. Then you'll prove yourself." 

"(Your fake name) is me." The girl said, looking confident.

C/N was taken aback. "What?" 

 "(Your fake name) is me." The girl repeated. 

"あなたは私を冗談にしなければならない." C/N mumbled.

The girl looked very confused. "What?"

"Well... If you really are (Your fake name) then I wanted to tell you something." C/N said, taking a deep breath. "I... I know this is stupid, I know this is something that shouldn't have happened, but.... I.. like you."

It was now the girl's turn to look confused. "Huh?"

"I know I shouldn't have. I know that it was stupid, falling for someone that I didn't know. It was stupid, falling for someone that I knew nothing about, but I just... feelings are something that you can't control, and for what I have known about 'feelings'? Well, feelings are uncontrollable. They are something that just happen. You can't control your feelings into something you want it to be. You can't tell yourself to stop liking this person because of a reason. But I'm just making an excuse at this point. Look.. I completely understand if you say no to my confession. I just.. had to tell you.." C/N sighed.

The girl smiled. "You like me?"

C/N nodded. "Yes. I do."

The girl laughed, and that made C/N frown. This didn't make sense.

The girl smiled. "Well... I don't dislike you. I like you. Too, I mean." The stuck out her hand. "I'm Y/N."

C/N smiled. He felt like he could fly. It was a sensation he had never felt before, and it was amazing. "C/N. So... will you be my girlfriend?"

Y/N smiled. "Sure."

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