Chapter 137- Black

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The entire front line collapses to be crushed by those behind, some trip and get trampled to death. These creatures either don't value life and have no problem killing one another, or they just need to get somewhere and fast. Though I believe both could be true.

"GET BACK!" Phoenix bellows out into the frozen and dull air, without another thought I stride off and into the canopy remaining close enough to see but far enough that nothing can hurt us. It seems Phoenix trusts we heard and listened as I watch vines and branches encircle the group of monsters. Layer after layer traps them all inside, it then becomes clear he is also shooting flame inside and forcing the branches and vines to squeeze them tightly, killing many.

Blood and pieces of flesh rocket out here and there between cracks in the swirling cage, screeches and distress calls of all sorts radiate out and the band of death and darkness surrounding the herd spreads and smears further. The death touch even reaches the tree me and Rin sit in and starts to crumble away. We fall smoothly, but I try to move away and out of the plague; not curious to see the active effects on humans.

All sound stops and for a few minutes, we hear nor see anything. Not a creature or leaf dares to stir and we can no longer see where the pack was yet I do not believe we should attempt to approach just yet. After a disturbing amount of time, a slight breeze floats our hair and soothes my face. Again the leave shiver, still cautious and aware, still scarred. After quite another amount of time birds begin to hesitantly begin soft tunes to test the safety to decorate the new coming winds.

"Let's go back now," Rin whispers timidly and I drop from the branch in agreement, walking back with great awareness and caution. I put Rin down and check that she's okay before continuing. The stick she holds it soaked in crimson and so is her arm but not with hers but with the Imzana blood.

Then I glance at my own arms and hands to see they are also darkened, feeling my face, it is also covered, and my hair is sticky and stiff.

"We need to wash this off, it will attract more animals," I contemplate as Genesis approaches joyously, Bagels sitting proudly on her head as a warrior on a horse coming out of a war alive.

"Agreed," Rin mumbles annoyed.

"Hey there girl!" I greet her with open arms put stand and push her away after noticing she too is matted with thick bloods. "AGH!" I shoo her but Rin giggles and cuddles Genesis.

"We are already soaked Claire," she points out and I grumble knowing she's right. Instead, I hold Bagels in my palms and she squeaks pridefully and shows off her bloody little paws. Me and Rin chuckle at the cute little creature and I start to wipe some of the red off her large, blue, icy spikes.

"Where's Phoenix?" Genesis perks her ears at my inquiry and leads us back further to where we can now again see the last place the monsters were. No more vines or branches are trapping carcasses, they all lay out in the open and flies already buzz about them, blood spray is everywhere and trees in a wide circle have been broken and turned to an ash from the last desperate calls of death from the Imzana.

No bushes or living blade of grass remains in the entire black area, Phoenix stands not far from the burn and delapitated bodies. Genesis bounds over to him and Bagels races on with her too, though not near as neat or swift, me and Rin follow. I am not concerned for I know Phoenix is strong and I know some of what he has previously survived on his own, this simply must have taken a great deal of energy.

"How is he still standing, he must be exhausted!" Rin frets immediately in concern.

When we finally reach his, the soils are burnt to ashes and the grass are all gone, turned to floating ashes, each step I take crunches and flares with some smoke, crumbling away beneath me in a strange way. I step over a half a leopard head and a river of thick dark blood running through a trail or crevass in the ground.

"Are you okay?" Rin asks Phoenix, not attempting to touch him just yet. When I look into his eyes, embers still burn as after a large bonfire cooling down steadily yet not wanting to burn out. I say nothing and do nothing, just stand and wait. Rin glances at me and takes the hint. Each breath he takes is rasping and solid, firm and full, his shoulders are strong and broad, fists clenched and muscles tight, ming tightened with a fury I do not know.

"No one," he starts but needs another breath, "kills the Earth like that and gets away with it." he takes another breath, "No one, nothing, gets to kill such a beauty so recklessly. I won't allow it. It's doesn't fly with me here." His eyes flare up immediately, his voice wavering in animosity, face contorted twisted and wrinkled with ultimate anger. "NO ONE HURTS HER!" Her screams at the top of his lungs, birds shoot off and his voice echoes, shaking the airs and the trees drop a few leaves far away.

Phoenixs' eyes roll up into his skull and he starts to drop. I shove my arms under his armpits and hold him up as Rin goes behind and we slowly lower him. Even unconscious, his face is contorted with the rage for a fair amount of time. His cloak is completely gone and Rin finds it shredded and torn to scraps a bit away but still brings it to his side. Phoenixs' muscles remain tense, and I notice, he has serious physical strength.

"What do we do now?" Rin wonders.

"We wait, there's nothing more to do," I state and she appears restless.

"What about Hester?"

"I can get Genesis to go and try to refind her trail," I summon her and communicate with her, she goes off, Rin at her heels, to find a scent again.

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