Chapter 1- I Can't Wait!

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*Katherine's POV*

'And we pray, pray, pray, that everything will be okay, while you're making all the same mistakes.' I turned the music off on my phone as Same Mistakes by my favorite band, One Direction, finished playing. I was getting near the entrance to my school, which means phones away, skirts or shorts pulled down to fingertip length, and IDs out.

I spot a flash of blonde hair with a blue streak in it a bit in front of me. I jog up to Lisa Jenks, my best friend, and put on an authoritative voice saying 'Miss Jenks, your skirt is not at fingertip length! I'm going to have to take away your ID.'

She turned around smirking and said in the same tone 'I could say the same about you, Ms. Santana.'

Mocking the dress code, as well as breaking it everyday, is just a Lisa-Katherine thing. I'm sure showing some leg and shoulders is going to completely make guys not pay attention in class. Note my sarcasm.

Lisa and I stopped and stepped over, pulling our skirts down as much as possible. The assistant principal, also known as the ID snatcher, Mrs. Rofman, always calls out the seniors for breaking the dress code more often than other grades. I mean come on! We're graduating in a month! Cut us some slack if the weather is 90 degrees.

I took my ID out, and we resumed walking to the school. As usual, Rofman was there by her office staring at every girl entering the school, especially Lisa, me, and some other seniors I recognized. After swiping in safely, Lisa and I hitch our shirts up to the actual length, about 1 inch above mid thigh. No biggie, right?

We stopped at our lockers, taking our stuff out for the first few classes of the day. 'Are you going to the last Open Mic today?' I asked Lisa.

'Oh shit is that today? I completely forgot!'

I shook my head at her. There were posters literally everywhere saying this was the last open mic.

'Are you going?' she asked me.

'Of course. Mr. Reilly said I have to perform, not that I mind, seeing as this is my actual last one.'

'I guess I'm going then, right?' Lisa huffed.

'Yep!' I enthusiastically exclaimed, beaming at my reluctant friend.

'At least I get to see my future husband there. I still can't believe One Direction is coming to perform at the Open Mic!' Lisa practically screamed, beginning to fangirl over Niall.

I was curious why they were coming to here. Don't get me wrong, I was hyped about it. But the inquisitive part of me wanted to know the reason. I mean we were just another high school. Oh well. I had an AP bio test to worry about.

Lisa and I headed to English, which was by far my favorite class. As we walked all I heard from clusters of girls was that One Direction was going to be in the school. I rolled my eyes. I like them enough, but these girls have been talking nonstop since they first found out. It gets a bit annoying.

I took a seat in the class by the window to feel the nice breeze. Lisa sat next to me, and my other best friend, Richelle Lakes, sat on the other side of me. She was squirming in her seat, and when she turned to talk to me and Lisa, I already knew what she was going to say.

'Omg I cannot wait until-' she began.

'One Direction comes' I finished for her. She's the biggest fan out of all my friends. Her and Lisa resemble each other, and they often get confused as sisters or cousins. Both about my height, with blonde hair and blue eyes. Fair-skinned, but Lisa actually tanned in the sun, while Richelle tended to get burned. They also had similar noses, which ended their similarities. Lisa was always into the latest fashion, like me, while Richelle preferred band tees and converses. Opposites attract I guess.

'I can't wait!' Richelle squealed, causing Lisa to join in her fangirling of their only mutual like in music. Richelle like metal mainly, so 1D is odd for her to like, and Lisa likes pop songs and such. Me and her share a lot of characteristics.

Just then, the late bell rang and my English teacher, Mr. Stevens, entered, saving me from my friends' obsession. I love One Direction, but fangirling just gets me tired.

'So as you guys know, that band is coming today,' he began, obviously not caring at all. The girls in the class let out squeals of excitement. I rolled my eyes.

'So,' he continued, 'Mr. Reilly asked that this class be the one who sets up everything for the band, during tenth. Those with class then are excused.'

Whoops and claps were heard, including from me. No gym for me today, I thought smugly.

Just then I heard a bunch of shrieks come down from the hallway.

Then loud and clear rang one high-pitched voice :'OH MY GOD IT'S ONE DIRECTION!'


Yay the first chapter! Please comment what you thought of it! Sorry it's a bit boring but I was trying to get you guys more info on Kat's life :) hope I didn't disappoint! it gets more interesting starting with the next chapter. bear with me!

I'll try to upload a chapter every day, but sometimes I might not be able to. Good luck to me. Oh and please vote for this, even though I'm unsure what that does :( *newbie swag*

I know it's short, but the chapters get longer by chapter 4 :)

Courtney xx

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