Chapter 32- Pranks For You

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*Katherine's POV*

I rolled over and was greeted by a smiling Harry.

'Good morning, love,' he said.

'Good morning,' I say yawning as I sit up.

I check the time. 1:29. I bet all the boys are up, and word of what happened between me and Harry would have spread to all of them.

I lay back on the bed groaning. Harry lays on his elbow staring at me.

'What's wrong love?'

'The boys are going to make fun of us so much,' I say covering my face with my hands.

Harry gently tugged them away and grinned cheekily. I looked into his eyes, the eyes I fell in love with.

'Don't you want them to know? Now they can never have you,' he said hugging me.

'Yeah, okay. They don't want me now anyways,' I say rolling my eyes.

'I wouldn't be too sure of that. They couldn't stop eyeing you yesterday.'

I cuddle against his chest.

'Whatever floats your British boat.'

He laughs and kisses me. 'We better get up and get ready to face the firing squad.'

I groan again. Yay great.


'Harry and Katherine laying in a tree, b-a-n-g-i-n-g. First comes love, then comes intercourse, then comes marriage running on it's own course,' Louis sang when we met up with the boys at a coffee place by the hotel.

I sighed. Here we go.

'I bet last night was pretty busy for you right?' Niall asked, winking.

'Hey guys, leave them alone. They prefer their sex life to be on the DL,' Liam said.

Zayn didn't say anything so I was grateful. One less person is all the better.

'From what I heard, you guys started at the club and carried it on at home,' Louis said winking at me and thrusting.

I sighed heavily. Is murder really illegal?

'Shuttup up Louis,' Harry says.

'But Harry, its too fun!' Louis whined.

'Remember the car?' Harry said.

Louis shuttup. What did Harry threaten him with?

'Louis,' I began as sweetly as possible.

'Yeah?' he said, glaring at Harry.

'What did Harry threaten you with?' I continue.

'Don't tell her!' Harry warned.

Louis looked like he wanted to say, but shut his mouth.

'Lou, I won't let him do anything to you. I'll take care of you,' I say kindly.

'He threatened to take away all my carrots and braces!' he cried out.

'Harry!' I exclaim, lightly hitting him on the head.

'Hey!' he complained.

'Louis, I have something for you. Hold on.'

I went up to the counter and I ordered a slice of carrot cake. After paying, I brought it back to Louis. He lit up like the fourth of July.

'Oh Katherine! You're absolutely perfect! I love you!' he squealed grabbing the cake. 'I regret divorcing you! Even though Harry made me at the moment.'

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