Chapter 17- Games and Tragedy

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*Katherine's POV*

I was truly scared. Who was watching me? How did they know I was staying here? That would explain why I felt as if someone was watching me...

Harry was as angry as I was scared. He went to talk to the boy who gave me the basket to figure out as many details as possible. Sadly, we were given none, except the guy was probably about 6'.

Finally after much worrying, Harry and I fell asleep. It was an uneasy sleep, filled with nightmares about men in trench coats hiding in the shadows watching and chasing me. To add onto my worries, I remembered I had school in the morning and sadly set my alarm.

I woke up to Harry missing beside me and pans clattering in the kitchen. It smelled like blueberry pancakes. Yum. I guess Harry was cooking this morning. I brushed my teeth and didn't bother to change. As I walked towards the kitchen, I fixed my bun and started to compliment Harry's cooking.

'Wow, Harry that smells--' I froze, my hands still above my head.

Harry wasn't in the kitchen. However, the other 4/5 of One Direction were. And I was embarrassed. Heat flooded my cheeks as my hands dropped to my sides. They all had a good view of my lace panties already, but I felt a bit more secure with almost none of it showing now.

I don't know why I stayed standing there, all my legs exposed. I just felt frozen, and the boys seemed to be frozen also, except for Liam after a few minutes. He coughed awkwardly and turned back to the pans where the blueberry smell was wafting from.

'Hey, you guys should not be looking this way. Even if she is a sexy beast, you all have girlfriends,' Harry joked as he walked in, fully dressed, and saw the situation.

I suddenly found out how to use my limbs and hid behind Harry.

'I don't have a girlfriend,' Zayn said laughing.

Well, Harry didn't find this funny. His voice was rather cold when he replied, 'Well, she has a boyfriend. Eyes off.'

Zayn looked shocked. I guessed Harry didn't normally act like that. The way the boys looked uncomfortable proved that my hunch was right, and they must have figured something was going on between Zayn and Harry. I promised to talk things out with Zayn, so Harry could be sure he didn't like me and things could be all peachy again.

'Uh, I'm going to change now,' I said after an awkward amount of silence.

Zayn recovered and began to eat the pancakes Liam set before him, and the boys slowly returned to normal.

I turned to go to the bedroom and Harry followed. Good. I needed to talk to him about what happened.

'I know what you're going to say, and I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at Zayn like that, but just the way you were dressed and what he said irked me,' Harry rushed.

'Well that was easy.'

He laughed. 'Okay Staples. Now you get dressed before I have the boys busting their way in here for a nice view,' he said with a wink.

I rolled my eyes and he sauntered off to get food. I really wasn't planning on wearing shorts today, knowing the boys saw enough of them. So I settled on a pair of black leggings, a purple oversized sweater (not too thick, it was summer after all), and matching purple TOMS. I had about 8 pairs of TOMS. I indulge on myself sometimes if I have the money.

My eyes landed on my purple beanie, but I didn't know how hot it was. I checked the weather on my phone and it was going to be only 70 degrees. Perfect. I grabbed the beanie and went to fix my hair.

After flat-ironing it, I curled it into loose, perfect curls, unlike my usual messy curls. I liked the perfect curls with my beanies. I put on my usual lip gloss and some blush, just because I knew word of my relationship with Harry must have gotten out and I wanted to look my best.

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