Chapter 6- Kat's Story

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Quick A/N

I'm putting a tiny little bit of chapter 5 into this so its not just some random POV switch. This chapter is kind of sad, and I was tearing up when I was writing it :(


*Katherine's POV*

'Well?' he asked me. I had to choose. Yes or no. Two simple choices, two different major effects from each. Man this is hard. So I went with what my heart told me to say. And I just hoped my heart was right.

I looked at each of the boys in the eyes, and told them my choice. 

'No,' I said, shocking the boys and even myself. I didn't even think of what I was going to say. It just came out. I guess I really wanted college.

*Harry's POV*

'No,' she said. My jaw dropped to the ground.

'What?!?!' all 5 of us yelled out.

Katherine looked like a deer caught in headlights at our outburst.

'Why not?' Louis asked, practically on his knees.

'I just don't think it would be right for me,' Katherine said, looking at the floor.

'How can it not be right for you? You're not nervous on stage, you have a beautiful voice, and even Simon said you have talent! What would make you say no? People would kill for this opportunity!' I exclaimed.

'First of all, I am a nervous wreck before I perform. I just hide it well because I've had practice hiding feelings and emotions. Second, that doesn't mean everyone else will think that. Imagine all the hate I would get from just being seen with you! Third, that's great, but doesn't convince me. And lastly, I have a bright future for me! I was going to Harvard, an Ivy League school! So that's what made me say no!' She said, nearly yelling at the end. She was getting pissed off.

'We would protect you from the hate, and have a tutor for you,' Liam quietly said.

'Thanks Liam, but I want the college experience. I can't deal with thousands of jealous girls trying to kill me. Going to college has always been my dream and still is,' she said, slightly more calm.

Now I was just getting frustrated. Why wouldn't she take this job? It was a once in a lifetime chance! I bet I could go outside and ask if anyone wanted to be in Katharine's place and almost everyone would accept!

'Why are you so stupid,' I muttered to myself, just letting some anger out.

'Excuse me? What did you just say?' she asked me angrily.

At this point I had enough. She was being stubborn, and it was just pissing me off.

'I said,' I began as Louis whispered to me, 'Don't do something you'll regret mate.'

I glared at him and continued, 'I said why are you so stupid?'!

She looked at me as if recalling a memory and said nothing. I saw tears begin to pool in her eyes. She wiped them away angrily and said, 'I really thought for a moment that you weren't the asshole people made you out to be. I thought that maybe you were a nice guy. I guess I was wrong.'

She then turned around and ran down the hallway we were in. Zayn shot me a glare and ran after her.

'Zayn, don't go!' Liam called out to him. Zayn just kept on.

I sank down to the floor, closing my eyes, realizing what an idiot I was. I let my annoyance I had from feeling like crap the whole day because of drinking so much last night leak into my actions, and this is what happened. Katherine wasn't stupid. In fact she was the exact opposite. She wanted to finish her education and become successful. I just liked her so much, I really expected her to say yes and we could go on tour together and have a happily ever after.

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