Chapter 21 - Drake Watson

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(Drake's Pov)

So there was Mitch, looking so frightened to see me down here.

She even spit the water she was drinking,

I hurried my way out of the canteen before Maddie could see me.

Who am I?

I'm Drake. Maddie's childhood friend.

I tried telling her who I am back at the library, but I thought of her past, and realized that it wasn't the right time to tell her who I am.

I was leaning against the wall, beside the ladies comfort room.

Just to be clear. I'M NOT A PERVERT.

I saw Mitch and Maddie came in to change Mitch's clothes.

"What's wrong with you Mitch. You've been acting so strange lately."

They got out of the comfort room.

And I hid behind the wall.

"Uhh... I" Mitch couldn't say anything.

"Hold on I forgot something." Maddie went back in there.

Now's my chance to talk to Mitch.

I grabbed her hand unexpectedly and pulled her into my hiding place (Behind the wall)

I covered her mouth when she started yelling.

"Quiet, it's me." I whispered.

She removed my hand on her mouth.

"Drake? Is it really you? Dude, it's like I've seen a ghost. What are you doing here?!"

"Isn't it obvious? I went here for Maddie." I said, "I need to check on her, if she's okay."

"Yiieee! Admit it, you just wanted to see her." She smiled at me.

"And if you asked. No, she don't remember you, AT ALL." She added,

Maddie has an amnesia, and she can't remember a thing, even Mitch, but I guess their friendship remained the same.

Actually, they weren't orphans. We just said that to not worry her.

The truth is her parents died from a car crash when she was eight.

She was the only one who survived.

Ms. Heili Anderson my mom, the one Maddie thought she adopted them, she asked me to follow her here in New York.

Mom was a friend of her mother.

Mitch on the other hand, she was the real orphan that my mom adopted.

So technically, she's my step sister.

"Mitch where are you?"

Mitch went to show herself to Maddie.

"What are you doing there?" Maddie said,

Mitch dragged her out of my sight.

(Maddie's Pov)

I was walking across the hallway by myself.

I'm going to Ms. Audrey's dance class, since lunch break is done.

"Maddie, faster." Ms. Audrey said, as I go in the room.

"Okay since the whole dance is perfect. You have nothing to do but to repeat and practice." She added, "Anyway, we have another transfer student."

Is that the boy earlier? How do I know when I didn't even saw his face? It's because of his Jacket.

I remember his Clothes.

"It was you." I said and pointed a finger.

"Drake," He lend his hand.

I held his hand and shook it.

"I don't have to do an introduction. Probably because I think you already know who I am. Am I right?"

He looked at Mitch.


~An hour later~

We were still practicing.

But it appears that the new student really gets it.

I mean the dance steps.

He's really good for a starter.

"Mr. Watson, tell me your secret. How do you do it?" Ms. Audrey smiled while giving Drake a complement.

Ms. Audrey didn't taught him the steps after all. So I'm really impressed,

"Uhh I've dance with someone with the same dance before." He answered Ms. Audrey's question.

"Zayne and Chris, we do not chew gums at the stage, see you in my office later."

Ms. Audrey turned her back at us.

James was standing beside me really close, so I clearly saw him putting a gum in his mouth as well.

I hit his arm, and he just chuckled.

My eyes caught Drake glaring at us.

What did we do wrong by the way???

~Sorry for this short update~

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